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Atlantic Crossing | St Lucia | Grenadines | Leeward Islands | Virgins | Puerto Rico | Video

Email: divaahoy@yahoo.com

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UK to Caribbean

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Departed the UK in August 99, sailed down the coast of Portugal and out to the Canaries.

Took part in the ARC (Atlantic Rally for Cruisers)  to   St Lucia Diva spent the 2000 season sailing about the Caribbean.

Follow Diva's progress and adventures by navigating the web site.

Martin (Tonto) & Tony (Bones) arrived in Las Palmas on the 4th Nov. Two weeks of preparation ,provisioning and serious partying ahead. The first party we made friends with the Arc Angel (Swan 36). The first all girl crew to enter the Arc, Lizzie (skipper) Tara Tanya Carol & Jane. Strangely enough we have become best buddies, they call us the Boys Boat and we call them the Slappers Sloop, (sorry girls).

Heading South for Christmas and New Year in the Grenadines.

Diva made her way back to St Lucia, to drop Simeon.

Northbound via the Leeward Islands to collect Tony's daughter Eleanor from Antigua.

Diva set sail West to explore the Virgin Islands; Puerto Rico then return to the Virgins.