Flaig Information Center


This page is designed to inform
the Flaig clan of family business.
If you are not a "Flaig"
this might not seem interesting to you.
But then again......*grin*


The Matriarch...

Mabel, Has Retired!!!!
Mabel is getting ready for
Another Vacation!

Mabel has added six new Chantecler Chickens to her household!

E-Mail Mabel


First in line...


Is Still in Pleasantville
His new pub is located on town square.
If your in the neighborhood....stop in to see him!

E-Mail Michael


Now on to Laura...

Laura has been blessed with a loving husband,
Dave and 2 beautiful daughters,
Alexa,17, and Ashley,14.
I have no new info, but will keep you posted.

E-Mail Laura


My Turn!

I'm Tamara~ The three men in my life are
Ken, my other half...
And our "guys", Derrick, 16, and Andrew, 14!

Ken has 3 additional children.
Joe, 31, lives in California.
Sydney, 22, Is still in law school
and was married Oct. 2006!
and Blaine, 21.

E-Mail Tamara


After me comes...

She is single again!
Her family
Kelsey,20, Finishing her first year of colege!!!!
Way to go Kelsey!
E-Mail Kelsey

And Schuyler (aka 'Tugboat'), is 17!

Theresa on her porch....
but wishes she was on a beach!

Theresa aE-Mail Theresa


...And then there's...

Where would Scott be without Lori,
his wife of 12 years?
They went to South Padre Island, TX
to vacation last fall!
Here is Lori with dinner!
Way to go sister!

E-Mail Scott & Lori



Dan... needs no introduction!

Dan and his wife Leah live and work
in the Chicago area.
Dan and Leah met us in Las Vegas!
I will post pictures later
(if I am brave enough)

E-Mail Dan


and then there is Tony!
Tony and his wife Mitzy live in
South Texas with their daughter
Bianca Nicole born October 6, 2003.

E-Mail Tony
E-Mail Mitzy Flaig
Hey Tony! Send me a new photo of Bianca!


This page is dedicated to my Dad
Dennis Leo Flaig
June 2, 1935 ~ December 20, 1993


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