Well dis is ah kinda halfway halfway update buh wha yuh really expect so...

check down in the news section it full ah stuff

Schupid Squad

The Schupid squad is-

Arvind Singh ~~~~~~~President for life

Marc Sharma ~~~~~~~ Foreign based official

Wynsel Ramprashad~~~~~Head of security

Isa Dookie~~~~~~~~Bad Man (so he does say)

Glynn Sookhoo~~~~~~CRACKER man (no not like crix)

Kadian Khan~~~~~~~Treasurer

Randy Sooknanan~~~~~Public relations officer

Giani Ramdin~~~~~~Technical Analyst

Sandeep Pooran~~~~~~ HEAD of the Useless Clongs

Nicholas Cleghorn~~~~~~ FOOT of the Useless Clongs

Kriyaan Singh~~~~~~~~ ABSOLUTELY NO relation to de PRESIDENT

Members of the Bored- ALL AH WE NOW


SCHUPID SITE OF THE DAY(updated at undefined intervals)

Click an see~~> Well only one way to find out...



ARVIND : windshield wipers was up an he was in de car so he decide to reverse so dey go be closer to himso he cud put dem dong (it didn't work)

WYNSEL: (playin small goal) tryin to pass de ball to kadian(on he team) who was bout two feet away an succeding in hitting him causing de ball to reflect back in dey goal

 KADIAN : goin home after exams to change an come back to lime den not feelin to do anyting so decidin to go back home

ARVIND : for not writing chem for A levels even doh he sign up for it

ISA : after exam tryin to do a further maths mechanics question(he doh do further maths) for FUN!!

Isa an Wynsel : for failing de GAY test. dis test comprises of tryin to spit winterfresh off a ledge. yuh clear de ledge yuh NOT gay

ISA spit an it lan half way an ROLL off wynsel spit an it WAS goin off an hit a piece a iron an come back ON.

Isa for deciding las minute to go UWI instead of goin an away




Buying ah papers from ah man on campus an stannin up nex to him an selling it back to other students for a dollar less.

beggin outside the lab for money for a worthy cause (to buy a muzzle for Isa after an influx of stale jokes).

Taking the scenic route around UWI when de sun was hot

Going to buy ah jersey for Marc when he was about to leave (needless to say when we reach back he was gone)

tryin to break out a piece a gulf city by repetitive jumping

WYNSEL : hiding de library lady shoe an not givin it back to she
WYNSEL : walkin arong de library lady car an openin all de door
ALL ah we fuh takin library cards two weeks before we leave school

EVERYBODY was feelin cold in de library so dey write EXTREME HEAT on a piece a paper an everybody put dey han by it

IT WORK!!!!!!

SANDEEP : (for end of term exams we phys mc paper had two pages printed wit de same questions) SO sir we hadda do dem TWICE????


Arite doh blame me for this one eh..i jus hear it is ah weed joke (yuh hadda be gone or schupid to ketch it)

How many Pancakes does it take to make a dog house? ........---> None.....but crocodiles don't cry...(doh ask)

Why did de stoned man cross the road?.....----> cause he is the only one schupid enough to follow the chicken




Arvind an Isa was talking about bring pool cues and table tennis rachet an ting to school to use de ting in de night ClinT:"yeah yeah i have a cue too" Arvind; "yeah but nobody inviting you"

WYNSEL : (after hitting a ball from arvind near the bin) DAT BALL SHOULDA go in DE BIN where it belong

ARVIND : (walking back) well small ting yuh gyul woulda jus throw it back fuh we.

GLYNN : allyuh ever see a RELL scary movie

ISA : (not listenin , and jus gettin bite from a mosquito) YUH MODDER!!!!


KADIAN : aye who cud make a sound like a COW

ISA : *looks at kadian funny*

KADIAN : ah say ah SOUND like a Cow not a FACE like a COW





me eh kno oui (no no,...das not the saying..ah saying i doh know)


Arvind ( When a lady come up to him trying to sell him "the Draft" (ah campus publication) :We go buy it when de real ting come out...

Vashtie ---> We was in class and Isa was bending below the desk and blowing a whistle while Ram was pretending to whistle.De point was to tie up people in class but the people around we supposed to know cause it was rite dey.buuuuuuuuuuuuut...VASHTIE -->*in awe with eyes wide open*"Ayeeee you know dat reaaallly sounding like a whistle"

SHIRAZ *rubbing face and in deep cogitation*:Wheyssss boy shaving is ah rel pain in de ass dread (everybody looking at him stupified for a moment then break into uncontrolable laughter

WYNSEL : (in deep thought) arite so mgcos@(articulates all kinda directions) equal m.... g...... cos@

WYNSEL :( head in hands and lookin like he want to cry) ANYTING I say somebody is hadda laff

ISA : (looking at toasted bread in marios) AYE dis BUN BUN.(pauses and then shakes bun and starts to sing ) SHAKE YUH BUN BUN SHAKE YUH BUN BUN


Arite..dis the big section..where to start..hmm....ok

* Marc leaves country to live , right now he in New York (contact him for contact information)

*We get results...and to say the least..Naps do BULLSHIT (not a good thing)

*Isa,Arvind,Sandeep, Wynsel, Randy...ah think das all....going to start UWI jus now, so if yuh thought UWI was bad before jus wait an see

*Updates have slowed down dramatically as you have noticed..this is a direct result of less time together and shitty memories (more the last oui..haha). A descision will be made on the future of the Schupid Squad Website.

*Glynn would be leaving the country eventually, but don't worry not very soon

Begging outside de lab and collecting 32cents ah paper clip, ah CHOCOLATE centre KC dinner mint (not Diana) ,ah phone card with all of 25cents credit...ann....(looks in hat) an nothing else oui.




WE ~~> for failing blastid A levels an "disgracing de school" (me eh kno dat we had an arrangement wit GRACE) we eh even get invited to graduation (if it had one) LEVELS

DAT IS TING! (dedicated to our teachers)

.Ananymous(concerning an Answer given in class) ...dat part looking good...but yuh hadda fix up yuh answer all round otherwise it go come like yuh put on yuh helmet (showing with hands) yuh put on yuh chest plate and armour and shield but yuh goin up in Pres with yuh Bamsee exposed!

Dr.Dev Gosine: When it comes to labs you can either dazzle them with brilliance or baffle them with bullshit...for the november exams we shall choose the latter

Ms.Ramtahal:(standing in front of class)I in ah nex class right now yuh know

Ms.Ramtahal: (after we tell she we taking a holiday friday)..I fine we could take a holiday everyday

Ms Ramtahal: (after we ask her "Miss what you really supposed to be teaching"..cause we had hear she was really a further math teacher) I really not supposed to be teachin nothing..

Mr.Nazim Mohammed: (after helping Arvind an WYnsel with futher stats until 10:30 in de night) "Das it dey yuh know...allyuh cud go home now...i go do mechanics when ah gone to sleep"

Mr Edison Sookhoo -> had want to make de championship football team lern a Xmas carol to sing in front de school

Mr Edison Sookhoo -> in the process of trying to run a vagrant off de hill manage to get into a conversation about spirituality an de universe wit him.

Mrs. Esther Alexander ->( after arvind tell she " not every day is Sunday" ) OR so when is Sunday?

Mr Jamwant Maharaj : When yuh wrtin equations is a good idea to write de equation

MR JAMWANT MAHARAJ : Ah cant recall de answer buh de answer is A...

Mr Jamwant Maharaj : SO de answer is A.. so in dis case a WRONG answer would be C...(everybody in class is like.."no shit.."

Mr F Ali in class talking bout some replacement for the common entrance ting that they send him...

Fayad:(reading the instructions)Every 15mins time shall be called.....*looks at us..throws hand in air with index finger out* TimE!

Fayad:(still reading intructions)There shall be Absolutely no talking during the exam.....*looks at us*Dat mean if yuh hadda make sign an ting like if yuh wha pee pull down yuh pants an show dem.

Fayad:(reading a question):...(about circumference of a tire and a bike an ting) ...John makes ten turns how far does he go?...*looks at us*...I could turn John around 10 times An he still eh gone no where!.....ah jus telling allyuh what de people say....

Mr Nazim Mohammed :(concerning a fmaths question. in de question a string was cut so wynsel wanted to know if it go make a difference WHERE yuh cut de string) DAT string NAH man dat eh go tie up nutting

MRS Esther Alexander :( watches Isa and wynsel's unruly hair) ALLYUH is do like COMB is a FOUR letter word.

MR FAYAD ALI : (in de exam room) well make sure you have your pens and pencils and your pocket size photos of me the great man for inspiritation. WHAT yuh doh have one well for the next paper I will ensure there is an enlarged poster of me hung on the wall under the clock.

MR FAYAD ALI :( in de maths exam) WHERE is RAMBARAN?? (ramabaran puts up hand) STEUPS SHUX



SHAUN: (isa cousin ) WAY when ah go home ah goin an RELL kill sleep. SO tonite it go have WAKE


arite we was in mayaro an it was bout 3 in de mornin an me an marc was on de roof ah de house.. when we noticed a blinking lite in de sky.. at first we taut it was a plane or a helicopter buh den we realise it was goin straight up an RELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL fasssssss so we come to de only logical conclusion it was a ALIEN.. probably alien gonzales we eh know buh we sure it was not a normal ting.. we watch it fuh bout a minute before it disappear into space. well das all read de ress ah ting now..

When Marc was in the airport and leaving jus before he leave we couldn't find glynn an dem..apparently they went to buy ah jersey or a gift for Marc..so Isa gone to look for them...it jus happen that GLynn and Kadi was in ah kinda side store that yuh can't really see unless yuh walk in that specific isle (how to spell that??) so it take Isa rel long to find them, eventually he find them and they buy a jersey...but when they reach back by the place Marc was gone (rel sense eh) haha...but is ah lucky thing we find dis guy who going same school an he know Marc and we tell him to give marc or we go beat him (he parents didn't seem to have a problem with that) so eventually he get it...the end..crick crack monkey break he back for ah piece ah pumarack

We was following a few cars behind Glynn going down Oropuche...(it was night) and we see this March pull out an gone in this road Arvind:"wait nah??? dat Glynn??? Sandeep:yeah yeah ah tink so.(Doh ask who give Sandeep authority with out he glasses)...when we turn off behind it...de car was a white march (not Glynn car)...Dat was pressha

An later on the drive...we start to talk about how in this area (by the creek) is good area to rob people cause de traffic on one side rell steady so if yuh stop de ppl behind yuh HADDA stop too....all yuh hadda do is slow down to a stop an come out an rob....an same time the Van in front ah we start to slow down for no apparent reason...If yuh hear SCREAM...(Isa alone..but he make up for everybody)




The Pointless Page~~~Take a hint....if yuh have time to waste (to wait on all de graphics) go ahead

MadBullKrew~~~~~~Bad page...Mp3s...local as well as otherwise...wat else...it red

Trini Talk~~~~~~~~~Ah Trini dictionary...not accurate..but who cares?...it bad anyway

Nothing~~~~~~~~~~Exactly what it say it is.......

Links Page~~~~~~~~Wham yuh Cyar read....links page

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