
1.)     Schedule Knee surgery

2.)     Car Insurance

3.)     Adaptive Screenplay

4.)     Resumes

5.)     Travel book

Events Calendar

   October 2004     


















1 Bob in town




2 Bob in town




3  Bob in town


 Geri’s Performing @ Jimmy’s

LATIN SUNDAYS PARTY - with Jimmy Anton - 5:00 - 9:00 PM at Dance Manhattan Studios - The longest running & most attended mambo social in New York - Great music & great dance partners



SIMPLY SALSA MONDAYS @ EL FLAMINGO - 6:00 PM until late - reduced admission before 9:00 PM - DJs Nelson Torres and Franklin Ayala - Usually has bands - Playing classic salsa for the mambo dancers - Dance lesson by Jami Josephson 6:30 - 7:30 PM


COPACABANA - NYC - 6:00 PM - 3:00 AM - With  the Copa Girls & Cabana Guys - Click on Discount Admission Pass - Band (subject to change): TBA - Free buffet & dance lesson 6:00 - 8:00 PM


LQ - CLASSIC SALSA WEDNESDAYS - Opens 5:00 PM - Band:  TBA - Free dance lesson 6:30 - 7:30 PM by Amaryllis Cintron - For info & discount admission click on LatinClubs.com 


SPICE SALSA NITE @ CLUB CACHE - 10:00 PM - 2:00 AM - Dance performance Imagenes De Karisma - Plenty of classic salsa by guest DJ Steve Shaw "Doc Salsa" - Come support & share a pure salsa nightclub event presented "By Dancers For Dancers" - With full bar, lounge, plenty of seating & excellent dance floor


Plan B

ERIC’S B-DAY @ Slainte – 304 Bowery and 1st (212)253-7030

FRIDAY NIGHTS FOR MAMBO DANCERS - 9:00 PM - 1:30 AM -Performances by Masacote Entertainment, others TBA - This event presented by DJ El Rumbero  - Lots of salsa & cha cha for the On 2 dancers by DJ El Rumbero - Big space, great wooden floor, midtown Manhattan



QUE PASA SATURDAYS @ CHINA CLUB - 10:00 PM - 1:30 AM - Lots of classic salsa by DJ Babaloo of Radiobomba Productions - Hosted by Mike Pena in the Shei Shei Lounge -  - Free On 2 mambo lesson 9:30 PM

LATIN GROOVE SALSA SATURDAYS @ THE STAR CLUB - Doors open 9:00 PM  - Plenty of classic salsa music for the mambo dancers all night long in a big attractive club - Presented by "Latin Groove" DJ Jay Vee - Nightly drink specials and CD giveaways.


MAMBO SUNDAYS PARTY - With Carlos Konig - 5:30 - 9:30 PM - At Ripley Grier Studios, NYC - Carlos invites us for nonstop dancing & socializing - Excellent classic salsa music by DJs Carlos Konig & guests

PIEL CANELA SALSA DANCE SOCIAL - 5:30 - 10:30 PM - 3RD ANNIVERSARY SOCIAL - Band:  Willie Villegas - Dance performances by all 4 Piel Canela Dance Teams - Lots of classic salsa in the spacious ballroom of Stepping Out Studios - Presented by Joe Burgos of the Piel Canela Dance Studio - Free pizza & bottled water - With DJ Ray Colon - This event televised for "Salsa En La Calle" on cable



SIMPLY SALSA MONDAYS @ EL FLAMINGO - 6:00 PM until late - reduced admission before 9:00 PM - DJs Nelson Torres and Franklin Ayala - Usually has bands - Playing classic salsa for the mambo dancers - Dance lesson by Jami Josephson 6:30 - 7:30 PM


COPACABANA - NYC - 6:00 PM - 3:00 AM - With  the Copa Girls & Cabana Guys  - Band (subject to change): TBA - Free buffet & dance lesson 6:00 - 8:00 PM


LQ - CLASSIC SALSA WEDNESDAYS - Opens 5:00 PM - Band:  TBA - Free dance lesson 6:30 - 7:30 PM by Amaryllis Cintron - For info & discount admission click on LatinClubs.com 


14 MOM & DAD coming in. 5pm – Continental flt: CO769

SPICE SALSA NITE @ CLUB CACHE - 10:00 PM - 2:00 AM - Dance performance TBA - Lots of classic salsa by guest DJ Tito Quiles - Come support & share a pure salsa nightclub event presented "By Dancers For Dancers" - With full bar, lounge, plenty of seating & excellent dance floor


SALSA FRIDAYS WITH RODNEY LOPEZ - 9:30 PM - 1:00 AM - Presented by instructor & performer Rodney Lopez, with DJ Goya playing plenty of salsa music - Held at Dance Manhattan Studios, excellent wooden floor & sound system






Carmen’s going away at the Vue 50th and Lex.

SANTO RICO SOCIAL -  9:00 PM until the last person leaves - Everyone is invited to party at Santo Rico's new improved location - Lots of classic salsa music by DJ Ray Colon

QUE PASA SATURDAYS @ CHINA CLUB - 10:00 PM - 1:30 AM - Lots of classic salsa by DJ Babaloo of Radiobomba Productions - Hosted by Mike Pena in the Shei Shei Lounge -  - Free On 2 mambo lesson 9:30 PM

LATIN GROOVE SALSA SATURDAYS @ THE STAR CLUB - Doors open 9:00 PM  - Plenty of classic salsa music for the mambo dancers all night long  in a big attractive club - Presented by "Latin Groove" DJ Jay Vee - Nightly drink specials and CD giveaways


LATIN SUNDAYS PARTY - with Jimmy Anton - 5:00 - 9:00 PM - The longest running & most attended mambo social in New York - Great music & great dance partners - Held at Dance Manhattan Studios



18 Mom & Dad leaving for Budapest (JFK 8pm)

SIMPLY SALSA MONDAYS @ EL FLAMINGO - 6:00 PM until late - reduced admission before 9:00 PM - DJs Nelson Torres and Franklin Ayala - Usually has bands - Playing classic salsa for the mambo dancers - Dance lesson by Jami Josephson 6:30 - 7:30 PM



COPACABANA - NYC - 6:00 PM - 3:00 AM - With  the Copa Girls & Cabana Guys  - Band (subject to change):  TBA - Free buffet & dance lesson 6:00 - 8:00 PM

20 Lawrence Tena Fundraiser – Rainbow Room

LQ - CLASSIC SALSA WEDNESDAYS - Opens 5:00 PM - Band:  Grupo Niche  - Free dance lesson 6:30 - 7:30 PM by Amaryllis Cintron - For info & discount admission click on LatinClubs.com 



SPICE SALSA NITE @ CLUB CACHE - 10:00 PM - 2:00 AM - Dance performance TBA - Plenty of salsa being played by DJ Franklin Ayala from El Flamingo - Come support & share a pure salsa nightclub event presented "By Dancers For Dancers" - With full bar, lounge, plenty of seating & excellent dance floor


FRIDAY NIGHTS FOR MAMBO DANCERS - 9:00 PM - 1:30 AM - Ladies free 9:00 - 10:00 PM - Presented by DJ El Rumbero playing lots of salsa & cha cha for the On 2 dancers - Big space, great wooden floor, midtown Manhattan



QUE PASA SATURDAYS @ CHINA CLUB - 10:00 PM - 1:30 AM - Lots of classic salsa by DJ Babaloo of Radiobomba Productions - Hosted by Mike Pena in the Shei Shei Lounge -  - Free On 2 mambo lesson 9:30 PM

LATIN GROOVE SALSA SATURDAYS @ THE STAR CLUB - Doors open 9:00 PM  - Plenty of classic salsa music for the mambo dancers all night long in a big attractive club - Presented by "Latin Groove" DJ Jay Vee - Nightly drink specials and CD giveaways


MAMBO SUNDAYS PARTY - With Carlos Konig - 5:30 - 9:30 PM - Held at Ripley Grier Studios, NYC - Carlos invites us for nonstop dancing & socializing - Excellent classic salsa music by DJs Carlos Konig & guests

PIEL CANELA SALSA DANCE SOCIAL - 5:30 - 10:30 PM - HALLOWEEN PARTY -  Best costume contest - Band:  Los Calientes - Dance performances TBA - Lots of classic salsa in the spacious ballroom of Stepping Out Studios - Presented by Joe Burgos of the Piel Canela Dance Studio - Free pizza & bottled water - With DJ Ray Colon

SALSA FEVER DANCE SOCIAL WITH MAMBO MARIO B - Hoboken, NJ - 6:00 PM - 12:00 midnight - Lots of salsa music by Rene Santiago of U-Neek Sounds Entertainment - Free mambo lesson 6:00 - 7:00 PM with Mario B - Held in a big dance studio with a wooden dance floor



SPICE SUMMER SALSA FESTIVAL @ PIER 63 ON THE HUDSON RIVER - Outdoors - 9:00 PM - 1:00 AM or later - Dancing under the stars overlooking the river - Classic salsa by DJ Babaloo - Performance by Sandra Cameron Dance Studio - Free On 2 lesson by Jose Del Rosario from Abakua Dancers - Click Here for Discount Admission

SIMPLY SALSA MONDAYS @ EL FLAMINGO - 6:00 PM until late - reduced admission before 9:00 PM - DJs Nelson Torres and Franklin Ayala  playing classic salsa for the mambo dancers - Dance lesson by Jami Josephson  7:00 PM - There is usually a band


COPACABANA - NYC - 6:00 PM - 3:00 AM - With  the Copa Girls & Cabana Guys  - Band (subject to change):   TBA - Free buffet & dance lesson 6:00 - 8:00 PM



LQ - CLASSIC SALSA WEDNESDAYS - Opens 5:00 PM - Band: Ramon Castro & Conjunto Clasico  - Free dance lesson 6:30 - 7:30 PM by Amaryllis Cintron - For info & discount admission click on LatinClubs.com 


SPICE SALSA NITE @ CLUB CACHE - 10:00 PM - 2:00 AM - Plenty of classic salsa by DJ Babaloo of RadioBomba Productions  - Come support & share a pure salsa nightclub event presented "By Dancers For Dancers" - With full bar, lounge, plenty of seating & excellent dance floor


MAMBO D & LA MAMBERA'S HALLOWEEN SALSA BASH - 10:00 PM - 3:00 AM - Dance performances by Mambo D & La Mambera & the Carlos Konig Dancers - Excellent classic salsa music by DJ Jeff - Presented by Delille Thomas & Glenda & held at Il Campanello with great wooden dance floor & plenty of On 2 partners -Not a costume party, just a fun mambo bash!

J0RDAY'S MONTHLY MAMBO SOCIAL - 9:00 PM - 2:00 AM - Queens - A mambo fundraiser with lots of salsa music & a very friendly crowd of On 2 partners - Presented by Jorday Rivera of "Mambo's Finest Dance Company"



QUE PASA SATURDAYS @ CHINA CLUB - 10:00 PM - 1:30 AM - Lots of classic salsa by DJ Babaloo of Radiobomba Productions - Hosted by Mike Pena in the Shei Shei Lounge -  - Free On 2 mambo lesson 9:30 PM

LATIN GROOVE SALSA SATURDAYS @ THE STAR CLUB - Doors open 9:00 PM  - Plenty of classic salsa music for the mambo dancers all night long in a big attractive club- Presented by "Latin Groove" DJ Jay Vee - Nightly drink specials and CD giveaways




LATIN SUNDAYS PARTY - with Jimmy Anton - 5:00 - 9:00 PM at Dance Manhattan Studios - The longest running & most attended mambo social in New York - Great music & great dance partners - This is not a misprint - There WILL BE a social today








November 2004 











SIMPLY SALSA MONDAYS @ EL FLAMINGO - 6:00 PM until late - reduced admission before 9:00 PM - DJs Nelson Torres and Franklin Ayala  playing classic salsa for the mambo dancers - Dance lesson by Jami Josephson  7:00 PM - There is usually a band



COPACABANA - NYC - 6:00 PM - 3:00 AM - With  the Copa Girls & Cabana Guys - Click on Discount Admission Pass - Band (subject to change): TBA - Free buffet & dance lesson 6:00 - 8:00 PM




LQ - CLASSIC SALSA WEDNESDAYS - Opens 5:00 PM - Band: TBA - Free dance lesson 6:30 - 7:30 PM by Amaryllis Cintron - For info & discount admission click on LatinClubs.com 






SPICE SALSA NITE @ CLUB CACHE - 10:00 PM - 2:00 AM - Dance performance TBA - Guest  DJ TBA plays plenty of pure classic salsa - Come support & share a  salsa nightclub event presented "By Dancers For Dancers" - With full bar, lounge, plenty of seating & excellent dance floor




SALSA FRIDAYS WITH RODNEY LOPEZ - 9:30 PM - 1:00 AM - Presented by instructor & performer Rodney Lopez, with DJ Goya playing plenty of salsa music - Held at Dance Manhattan Studios, excellent wooden floor & sound system

COPACABANA - 10:00 PM - 5:00 AM - NYC - With  the Copa Girls & Cabana Guys - Band (subject to change):   TBA  - Click on Discount Admission Pass





QUE PASA SATURDAYS @ CHINA CLUB - 10:00 PM - 1:30 AM - Hosted by Mike Pena in the Shei Shei Lounge - Lots of classic salsa by DJ Babaloo of Radiobomba Productions - Free On 2 mambo lesson 9:30 PM

LATIN GROOVE SALSA SATURDAYS @ THE STAR CLUB - Doors open 9:00 PM - Plenty of classic salsa music for the mambo dancers all night long  in a big attractive club - Presented by "Latin Groove" DJ Jay Vee - Nightly drink specials and CD giveaways



LATIN SUNDAYS PARTY - with Jimmy Anton - 5:00 - 9:00 PM at Dance Manhattan Studios - The longest running & most attended mambo social in New York - Great music & great dance partners  - This is not a misprint - There WILL BE a social today


SIMPLY SALSA MONDAYS @ EL FLAMINGO - 6:00 PM until late - reduced admission before 9:00 PM - DJs Nelson Torres and Franklin Ayala  playing classic salsa for the mambo dancers - Dance lesson by Jami Josephson  7:00 PM - There is usually a band


COPACABANA - NYC - 6:00 PM - 3:00 AM - With  the Copa Girls & Cabana Guys - Click on Discount Admission Pass - Band (subject to change):  TBA  - Free buffet & dance lesson 6:00 - 8:00 PM


LQ - CLASSIC SALSA WEDNESDAYS - Opens 5:00 PM - Band:  TBA - Free dance lesson 6:30 - 7:30 PM by Amaryllis Cintron - For info & discount admission click on LatinClubs.com 


SPICE SALSA NITE @ CLUB CACHE - 10:00 PM - 2:00 AM - Dance performance TBA - Guest  DJ TBA plays plenty of pure classic salsa - Come support & share a  salsa nightclub event presented "By Dancers For Dancers" - With full bar, lounge, plenty of seating & excellent dance floor


FRIDAY NIGHTS FOR MAMBO DANCERS - 9:00 PM - 1:30 AM - 2ND ANNIVERSARY PARTY -  Performances by Mambo Dinamico (N. Carolina), Salsa Y Control (Boston), Taima Las Hijas Del Trueno (NJ), Xibicion Santo Rico, Addie-Tude Dancers, Carlos Konig Dancers, Piel Canela Dancers, Rhythm Divas, Vittico "La Magia" Dancers (NY) - Presented by DJ El Rumbero playing lots of salsa & cha cha for the On 2 dancers - Big space, great wooden floor, midtown Manhattan

COPACABANA - 10:00 PM - 5:00 AM - NYC - With  the Copa Girls & Cabana Guys - Band (subject to change):   TBA  - Click on Discount Admission Pass



"MAMBO 2 CHA CHA WITH CLAUDINE" SALSA DANCE PARTY - 9:00 PM - 1:00 AM - Dance performances by the Piel Canela Dancers, Mambo 2 Cha Cha Dance Company, La Casa De La Salsa Dancers, plus other groups TBA -  With DJ Steve Shaw "Doc Salsa" playing pure salsa & cha cha dance music all night long - Held in a large decorated studio with an excellent wooden dance floor - Tonight's theme is "Retro Fabulous" from the 1960's, 70's & 80's - Presented by instructor, performer & choreographer Claudine Curry

QUE PASA SATURDAYS @ CHINA CLUB - 10:00 PM - 1:30 AM - Hosted by Mike Pena in the Shei Shei Lounge - Lots of classic salsa by DJ Babaloo of Radiobomba Productions - Free On 2 mambo lesson 9:30 PM

LATIN GROOVE SALSA SATURDAYS @ THE STAR CLUB - Doors open 9:00 PM - Plenty of classic salsa music for the mambo dancers all night long in a big attractive club  - Presented by "Latin Groove" DJ Jay Vee - Nightly drink specials and CD giveaways


MAMBO SUNDAYS PARTY - With Carlos Konig - 5:30 - 9:30 PM - At Ripley Grier Studios, NYC - Carlos invites us for nonstop dancing & socializing - Excellent classic salsa music by DJs Carlos Konig & guests

PIEL CANELA SALSA DANCE SOCIAL - 5:30 - 10:30 PM - Lots of classic salsa in the spacious ballroom of Stepping Out Studios - Presented by Joe Burgos of the Piel Canela Dance Studio - Free pizza & bottled water - With DJ Ray Colon



SIMPLY SALSA MONDAYS @ EL FLAMINGO - 6:00 PM until late - reduced admission before 9:00 PM - DJs Nelson Torres and Franklin Ayala  playing classic salsa for the mambo dancers - Dance lesson by Jami Josephson  7:00 PM - There is usually a band


COPACABANA - NYC - 6:00 PM - 3:00 AM - With  the Copa Girls & Cabana Guys - Click on Discount Admission Pass - Band (subject to change):  TBA  - Free buffet & dance lesson 6:00 - 8:00 PM


LQ - CLASSIC SALSA WEDNESDAYS - Opens 5:00 PM - Band:  TBA  - Free dance lesson 6:30 - 7:30 PM by Amaryllis Cintron - For info & discount admission click on LatinClubs.com 



SPICE SALSA NITE @ CLUB CACHE - 10:00 PM - 2:00 AM - Dance performance TBA - Guest  DJ TBA plays plenty of pure classic salsa - Come support & share a  salsa nightclub event presented "By Dancers For Dancers" - With full bar, lounge, plenty of seating & excellent dance floor


COPACABANA - 10:00 PM - 5:00 AM - NYC - With  the Copa Girls & Cabana Guys - Band (subject to change):   TBA  - Click on Discount Admission Pass


SANTO RICO SOCIAL -  9:00 PM until the last person leaves - Everyone is invited to party at Santo Rico's new improved location - Lots of classic salsa music by DJ Ray Colon

QUE PASA SATURDAYS @ CHINA CLUB - 10:00 PM - 1:30 AM - Hosted by Mike Pena in the Shei Shei Lounge - Lots of classic salsa by DJ Babaloo of Radiobomba Productions - Free On 2 mambo lesson 9:30 PM

LATIN GROOVE SALSA SATURDAYS @ THE STAR CLUB - Doors open 9:00 PM - Plenty of classic salsa music for the mambo dancers all night long in a big attractive club  - Presented by "Latin Groove" DJ Jay Vee - Nightly drink specials and CD giveaways



LATIN SUNDAYS PARTY - with Jimmy Anton - 5:00 - 9:00 PM at Dance Manhattan Studios - The longest running & most attended mambo social in New York - Great music & great dance partners


SIMPLY SALSA MONDAYS @ EL FLAMINGO - 6:00 PM until late - reduced admission before 9:00 PM - DJs Nelson Torres and Franklin Ayala  playing classic salsa for the mambo dancers - Dance lesson by Jami Josephson  7:00 PM - There is usually a band


COPACABANA - NYC - 6:00 PM - 3:00 AM - With  the Copa Girls & Cabana Guys - Click on Discount Admission Pass - Band (subject to change):  TBA  - Free buffet & dance lesson 6:00 - 8:00 PM


LQ - CLASSIC SALSA WEDNESDAYS - Opens 5:00 PM - Band:  TBA - Free dance lesson 6:30 - 7:30 PM by Amaryllis Cintron - For info & discount admission click on LatinClubs.com 


SPICE SALSA NITE @ CLUB CACHE - Closed for tonight - Happy Thanksgiving!


COPACABANA - 10:00 PM - 5:00 AM - NYC - With  the Copa Girls & Cabana Guys - Band (subject to change):   TBA  - Click on Discount Admission Pass


QUE PASA SATURDAYS @ CHINA CLUB - 10:00 PM - 1:30 AM - Hosted by Mike Pena in the Shei Shei Lounge - Lots of classic salsa by DJ Babaloo of Radiobomba Productions - Free On 2 mambo lesson 9:30 PM

LATIN GROOVE SALSA SATURDAYS @ THE STAR CLUB - Doors open 9:00 PM - Plenty of classic salsa music for the mambo dancers all night long  in a big attractive club - Presented by "Latin Groove" DJ Jay Vee - Nightly drink specials and CD giveaways


MAMBO SUNDAYS PARTY - With Carlos Konig - 5:30 - 9:30 PM - At Ripley Grier Studios, NYC - Carlos invites us for nonstop dancing & socializing - Excellent classic salsa music by DJs Carlos Konig & guests


SIMPLY SALSA MONDAYS @ EL FLAMINGO - 6:00 PM until late - reduced admission before 9:00 PM - DJs Nelson Torres and Franklin Ayala  playing classic salsa for the mambo dancers - Dance lesson by Jami Josephson  7:00 PM - There is usually a band


COPACABANA - NYC - 6:00 PM - 3:00 AM -  With  the Copa Girls & Cabana Guys - Click on Discount Admission Pass - Band (subject to change):   TBA - Free buffet & dance lesson 6:00 - 8:00 PM




















Class Schedules









Practice – Plan B



 Santo Rico Classes

4:00-5:30pm, Partner work

2403 2nd Ave – 2nd Floor b/w 123 &124 St.









Mario B

8-10pm, Shines + partner work

720 Monroe Street

Hoboken, NJ


Mario B

8-10pm, Shines + partner work (cha, cha, cha)

720 Monroe Street

Hoboken, NJ


Practice – Plan B




 Practice – Plan B



Santo Rico Classes

4:00-5:30pm, Partner work

2403 2nd Ave – 2nd Floor b/w 123 &124 St.




Salsa Links




