We began dating in May of 1999.  Seth proposed on October 22nd, 1999.  We got married on March 6th 2000 at 1:00pm.  Our ceremony took place on St. Thomas in the beautiful U.S. Virgin Islands. We are sorry all of our friends and family couldn't attend, however we did have a lizard and mongoose join in the fun.  Soon we will be celebrating our 6 month anniversary!

Kris & Seth

Visit our niece, Caitlin,
she is beginning to walk
on her own!

Visit our nephew,
he crawls
around a lot.

Click here if you would like to send us an e-mail.

Seth is working hard going to vo-tech school and practicing to become a certified electrician.  Only 2 more years to go!

Some info. about us:

My name is Liesl.  I am a 4 year old Rottweiler.  Kris and Seth are my friends. I like to play ball with them and go on walks.

Kris teaches third grade at a private school in suburban Philadelphia.  But now is happy to be on summer vacation.  She is attending Beaver College where she is obtaining her Master's Degree in Science Education.  Recently shewas admitted into AEL an honor society for graduate students.

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