Jack and Darryl's Website: Zone of Totality

The Book: Seventies Savannah Flashback or The Zone of Totality

Apple Core: Chapter 3

"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page." --Saint Augustine

2008 Trips: Mexico and Hawaii

Read our Blog: (at http://zonetotal.blogspot.com/)

We returned to New Orleans with Starr to complete 2007 and welcome in 2008. Check out Papa Noel and New Years in the Big Easy (click)

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico provided Starr, Dar, and Jack a fabulous spring break, March 2-10, 2008.

Last summer, Key West was as delicious as Key Lime Pie. A great way to begin the summer; while New Orleans' Southern Decadence was the ideal way to complete it.

KeyWest 07

see also: >Southern Decadence

Slides from the Mountains:

Summertime 2007:

The snow in Tennessee has melted. So has the April, 2007 snow in Asheville.

2007: we flew to South Beach Miami Jan. 13-15-- then, Dar journeyed to Ancient Egypt and Rome: details on the Blog. We celebrated St. Patrick's Day in Savannah and played in the April Snow in Asheville with Starr, Bruce, David Perkins, and John and Jane. A good time was had by all...

Dar in Egypt:

Dar on the Vltava
Dar on the Vltava
Photo by Jack

Happy Summer Solstice 2008!

Jack, Greek Islands
photo by Dar

You can also see many of our photos at Our Photos

and More Photos

Jack and Dar, Married(click)

Last Year: 2006


2005: 2005

For the full Homepage, click Homepage.

And have a look at our photo album.
newly revised in 2007

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Copyright: Jack Miller and Darryl Gossett1

Background: Buddha of Maui
photo by Jack