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My Family Album

This site includes the Family trees of my four Grandparents families

- Kurlat, Liebeschutz, Blank and Loshakov -

and all the families related to them.

I am dedicating this family Web site to the memory of my father
Dr. David Miguel Kurlat

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Table of Contents

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Adler, Altman, Ariel, Ariel-Evron, Auerbach, Averboch, Bar Ilan, Barak, Bavich, Beker, Bekin, Bekman, Ben Haim, Benionski, Benita, Berenholc, Bernard, Bichovski, Blank, Blech, Blubstein, Broshi, Burk?, Cafoncelli, Caron, Cesarsky, Cocco, Cohen, Drori, Duchowney, Duchowny, Dujovne, Escolar, Feingersh Brody, Frostig, Frumkin, Gershtein, Ghisso, Ginsburg, Greidin, Gueler, Itzikovich, Kaplan, Katel, Kleiman, Klein, Knoblowitz, Kogan, Koren, Kriger, Kurlat, Levanon, Libschitz, Liebeschutz, Liran, Loshakov, Lublinsky, Magal, Malenky, Meiri, Meirovich, Moses, Nemesh, Nemirovsky, Nemsoff, Pablotzky, Perez, Rabin, Rachevsky, Ravid, Rogenstein, Rosh, Rozenboim, Sarudiansky, Schwartz, Seideman, Seiffer, Shagrovsky, Shani, Sheiner, Shifrin, Shtanitski, Shulman, Sustiel, Teretz, Trachtenberg, Trainin, Vilenchik, Weinschelbaum, Wexler, Wilamowsky, Yacobovich, Yoffe, Zellermayer, Zitzer

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Dear family;

If you have additional information -like pictures, dates, names, places, etc., or some of the included data is wrong, please send me the correct info. and I will update the site.

Any comments will be also apreciated.


Last update: 22 October 2005.

email graphic Send email to Dan Koren (Kurlat): Koren2@bezeqint.net

Ultimate Family Tree, ver 2.9
MYFAMILY Project Version 20
Started August 25, 1999
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