No, I don't gotta be kidding.
But I usually am kidding, anyhow.  Still, sometimes I'm not.  But let's talk boats, because real life isn't something I care to discuss out here on the internet and the Mets are just too damn depressing... yet again.

Mind you, I have other interests.  Just so you know that, I mean.  I still don't want to discuss them here in front of everybody on God's Green Earth, for cryin' out loud, but I have them.  Just so you're clear on that.

Moving on...
Here I am, in the infamous duct tape & tarp kayak.  I'm the one in the hat.
Boat Stuff:
Building Tarp Kayak
Launching Tarp Kayak
Red Dwarf (pix)
Red Dwarf w/trolling motor (pix)
The Maryland Dove (pix)
HulWiz (boat weenies only!)
Don't Mess With My Daughter!
Top Secret Email Information (shhh, don't tell nobody)