HI! My name is Nancy J. Smith. Welcome to my website. I am in the process of creating this webpage and plan to add more to it.

I have lots of hobbies and intrests too numerous to mention, so I'll just list a couple of my favorites. I love photography, especially nature photography. I am an amateur photographer and whenever I travel, I always bring my camera along just in case that perfect shot comes along. My photos range from people to scenic shots, but nature is my favorite.

My other hobbie is collecting, and I collect just about everything. Some would say I'm a packrat, but that's their opinion. My collection ranges from figurines, old books, seashells, rare or unusual rocks, comics, and just sentimental objects.

I enjoy going on picnics, traveling, tour cycling, walking on nature trails, visiting historic places, the mountains, and the ocean, specifically, going to the beach.

I love surfing the web and enjoy meeting people. Hopefully through this website I'll have the opportunity to get to know a lot of nice people. (And I emphasize NICE.)

If and when I get this up and running, stop by and pay a visit. I'll be glad to hear from you.

Nancy J. Smith
FavoriteWeb Pages
Russet McMillan
Robin's Web Page
Special Guy Williams
Nikki's Other Website
Unofficial Felipe Site
Website For TV Couples
Kathy McManus
Juan Diego Botto Fiction
Zorro's Web Page
More Zorro Fan Fiction
Kassie's Web Page
Special Clayton Moore Website
By Mary Spooner
Billy Thomas's website
Billy's graphics
Billy's sound byte page
Nancy's Critiques site By Robin
Billy's other sound byte page
Nancy's Stories
Billy's autographed picture
Duncan Regehr
Double Vision
Heroes Aren't Hard To Find
Victoria's Tavern
(The "New," and "Improved" Version.)
Click here, to go to the Introduction page.
Scenes from
Grizzly Mountain,
Part 1
Grizzly Mountain
Part 2
Bad Times In LA
The Guy Bonanza Photo Page
Never Be Divided-sequel to Bad Times
(A Work In Progress)
Miles Away From Home
(a new story. Also a WIP)
To see my New website, click the Next button.
This site has returned! :-)