

The Crew








a one-pager
on my university


Chinese Varsity  Christian Fellowship

Christian Answers Network

Campus Evangelical  Fellowship

Hi, I'm Hongheng

Why the webpage?

  • This is my webpage about a trip which my friends and I made to Penang, Malaysia, from 3.7.99 to 7.7.99 
  • Greetings to my friends who have trudged through the trip together with me: my girlfriend Yingyi, Yifang, Yaoshan and Xinghao, in case you're reading this. (Hmm... have you guys noticed that most of your names start with the letter 'Y'?)
The story so far...
  • 13/7/99 Have started scanning and putting up photos of the Penang trip. All pages are operational now- but some have only photos (no text). Tuesday, The Journey Home- Wednesday and Afterthoughts are still blank (except for basic formatting). Am trying to achieve near-completion within this week- be patient, guys :) 
  • 14/7/99 More photos!- on every page...
  • 22/8/99 Sorry everyone- have been reeaally busy since my university course began- I hope to be able to continue working on this web page in the coming Sept one-week break. Hello to all my friends out there- hope you're all fine!
  • 12/11/99 HELLO EVERYBODY! Exams over for me (but school stuff still going on...) It's coming to the end of the year already! Be sure to enjoy this last Christmas of the 20th century, okay? Yingyi's still having her exams and studying in school...
          Planning  The Crew   Saturday(otherwise known as The Journey There)
          Sunday   Monday     Tuesday
          Wednesday(otherwise known as The Journey Home)    Afterthoughts
 ...from the book of Ecclesiastes v.4:9&10To my friends.
TWO ARE better than one, because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion...

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... on the roadin penang.


... in schoolwith my project.


© Hongheng 1999 
