phoebe's kaleidoscope

Welcome to Phoebe's Kaleidoscope

[my resume] [my photo] [contact info] .

The churches I had attended before:
1997-1999 Peninsula Bible Church
1993-1995 Austin Chinese Church

The Christian fellowship I previously attended:
1997-1999 CCFS (Chinese Christian Fellowship at Stanford)
1993-1995 ACCCF (Austin Chinese Campus Christian Fellowship)

My Spiritual Gifts Test Result: done in 4/15/98
Wednesday lunch bible group in Intel: a few pictures
Something about my family: family photo album
Chinese Lunar New Year Hot-Pot Party: pictures taken

My previous piano teacher % Richard Cionco
Browse the piano related topics: % The Piano Page

Bible Resources:
Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth;
meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it.
Then you will be prosperous and successful. ( Joshua 1:8 )

Bible Study Tools
( Commentaries, Concordances, Dictionaries, N.T. Greek, O.T. Hebrew. )
Bible Gate Way (Online Bibles)
( Bible: Chinese Version )
More on God's Word
( Learning Greek, Bible Study, Church History, etc. )
Discovery Series Booklets
(Ex: How Can I Find Satisfaction In My Work? )
The Bible Browser ( advanced browser )

Other Christian Resources:
Our Daily Bread ( daily devotionals )
Christian Resources ( Movie Reviews, Bible Cartoons, etc.)
Hymns ( Ames collection )
BSF International (Now on John!!)
Spiritual Gifts Discovery Tool
Christian World Magazine
Christian Books (online shopping)

Fun Links:
Mr.O Everyday Cartoon ( a few funny ones!)
My friend: Siufu's Home Page

Today's Cartoon:
Thanks for visiting my webpage

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