Hi, I'm Bill. My grandkids call me Bebop...(it's a long story)!

My collection of Anheuser Busch (Budweiser) beer steins has become an obsession!

 I have been collecting Anheuser Busch beer steins for about twelve years
I have accummulated about 235 steins and still adding to the collection on a regular basis-
-can't seem to stop!

 This page will be devoted to my beer stein collection, to display some of the steins I have,
to possibly locate some beer steins I have not been able to get into my collection yet, and
identify some of the more difficult ones to recognize.

If you want to talk steins:
 E-mail Me!
See a few of my steins

Go to Stein List    (See photos of most steins)!

A little about me    (as written by Jan, my wife)


Links to other sites:

Budweiser Home Page

Jan's Joyous Jungle
                          (An excellent and entertaining site)!


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