I decided to create this page because I love puffins. There are three kinds of puffins (horned, tufted and Atlantic, or common) but I personally favor the Atlantic puffin.

I saw this adorable bird for the first time two years ago when I went on a boat tour in Witless Bay, Newfoundland. They were the cutest bird I had ever seen, and my favourite animal ever since.

The Atlantic puffin's habitat ranges from the northwest coast of Greenland to the European coast, to Maine and Newfoundland. You can easily recognize them by their colorful bill and their black and white body. They spend most of their year at sea, returning to land only to breed and raise its young. Puffins are extraordinary swimmers, and they almost fly underwater to catch thier fish.

The puffin is growing in its popularity (and you can see why!) and there are a growing number of web sites dedicated to puffins. At the bottom of this page you will find a few of my favorites.

Please click here to see some pictures of puffins.

Thanks for visiting my site. I'm still working on it, and will add more later, so please check back!

Information Sites

Maine Birding * Canadian Wildlife Service-- Hinterland's Who's Who * ADF&G Notebook Series:Puffins* Birding-- Puffins- Clowns of the Sea * Madison JASON '97 Puffin Page

Picture Sites

Waco's Puffin Page

Places you Can Go to See Puffins

Witless Bay, Nfld. * O'Brien's Whale & Bird Tours, Nfld * Bar Harbor Whale Watching-- Puffin Watch, Nfld * Shetland, Scotland * Bold Coast Charter Company, Maine * Glacier Bay, Alaska

Places you can Stay

Puffin Place Inn, Alaska

Puffin Merchandise

Bill Gardner's Puffin Designs * Puffin Finger Puppets

Puffin Books

There Have Always Been Puffins by C.J. and Ba Rea * How to Tell the Birds from the Flowers

Other Puffin Pages

The Puffin Page *Puffin Friends *Puffins Playground *Puzzlechest.com

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All the text on this page is copyright of me. If I have used any material on my page which is already copyrighted and therefore not to be used, please let me know and I will remove it. Thanks to O'Brien's Whale & Bird Tours for letting me use their puffin picture, and thanks to the Bas Relief Publishing Group and CJ and Ba Rea for letting me use theirs, as well as the Shetland Wildlife Pages. Also, thanks to the town of Ramea, Newfoundland for the use of the cute puffin emblem on the puffin pictures page.