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The Best site for stuff about me, Mike Demase.

Hi I'm Mike.
I have started to edit my page today, February 25 1998.

Dude, I'm real sorry this hasn't been updated, but the internet has been down. Ok back again, its March 6th 2000. Alrighty then. It's 2001. July 17th officially. So i guess it's time for a yearly update. I was thinking Diablo II, but remembered this thing i learned in C++. Here it goes, maybe it'll work. Nope, definitely didn't work, and i think i just deleted something that was there before. anyways....diablo ii pic from when i first started lol, nothin else, maybe i'll update again someday.

This page = Hilarious. Its currently June 7th, 2005...just, wow. Great laughs. I'm going to try to fix up one of the million stupid gifs on this page, cause thats what makes a website great.

Please fill out this form so I know what to update the most. Thanks.

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