Happy 2009!
I love to travel. I have been many places, but I still have a lot of places to visit. I would like to let people know about the places that I have found interesting. I plan to share them on this web page as time permits.

In December 2007 we went to Disney World for the first time. It was one of the best family vacations that we have been on in a long time. I have pictures cycle through on my screen saver. Everytime a picture comes up for that trip I have happy and fond memories of that vacation. I would like to go back there at Christmas time again soon because it is truely magical. Check back for more details on this fun family trip. Hopefully I will have more time to update my web site in the future with info on this great trip!

In 2004 we went back to Italy for 2 1/2 weeks. It was great, but a month was better!

In March 2003 we went to Fort Bragg. We stayed at a nice hotel with a view of the ocean. Unfortunately I don't remember the name of it. We took a drive up the coast. It is absolutely beautiful. It rained the whole time we drove up the coast, but it was still worth it. On our way home, we drove part of the way back down the coast through Mendocino. There were many wineries that we could have stopped at had we not been somewhat pressed for time to get back home. I highly recommend a visit to this area. We will definately visit it again in the near future.

In 2001 we went to Coeur D'Alene. We stayed at the Coeur D'Alene Resort. It is a beautiful resort. The resort sits on the edge of Coeur D'Alene Lake. They have wonderful food and a great spa. I highly recommend a visit to Coeur D'Alene and if at all possible try to stay at the resort. It is pricey, but worth it!

In 2000 we went on a month trip to Italy to visit family and sites! Mama Mia what a vacation.

In October 1998 we went to Tuscon and Tombstone Arizona. We had a great time! The weather was great! Tuscon is very spread out. While there we saw the Old Tuscon Studio. Many western theme movies and TV shows where filmed there. They have several shows that each run a couple of times a day. Check their schedule because I am sure that it changes depending on the day of the week and the time of the year. If you plan it right, you can see almost everything in about half a day. On your way to Old Tuscon Studio there is a very interesting mineral and rock shop. It is on the righthand side just before you enter the Tuscon Mountain Park (via Ajo Way) that Old Tuscon Studio is in. A place that we did not have time to visit, but that we were told was very interesting was the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum also in the same area (Tuscon Mountain Park) as Old Tuscon Studio. It is a zoo which exibits desert animals. We would have liked to have seen the Titian Missile Museum and a couple of other parks, but this was a long weekend visit. We will definetly go back to see everything we missed. Check back because next time I will write about our visit to Tombstone.

One of my favortite places is Hawaii. When visiting the Big Island I like to take a helicopter ride over the volcano, and by the beautiful waterfalls. On one of the trips we got to ride in front and were so close to a "skylite" (an opening in the ground were you can see the lava flowing underneath) that we could feel the heat on our feet. I also like the Kona Coast SeaQuest rafting trip. On the rafting trip SeaQuest takes approximately 6 people on a zodiac raft up the Kona Coast. It is a wild ride. They stop a least once so that you can snorkel. We have seen whales on one of the trips, and we have had dolphins play in our wake on another.

Please come back soon and visit me.

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