Andy's "Rockin On Outta Here" Page


Hi, my name is Andy, I am a public works employee in Gainesville, Florida. You know when you flush the toilet? Well, I take care of what happens after that. I guess you could call me the R. Rickter of Hogtown. Anyhows, I make seven grand a year and have four kids. I also have season tickets for the Jacksonville Jaguars like all the poor pieces of shit do. Of course, that means another year without a toilet in the house, and it doesn't look like little Jake will be getting that life-saving ten dollar bottle of pills soon. Anyhow, I had a wood-working friend of mine build this computer for me outta wood so I decided to make a page.

Quote of The Month----"Hello, 911? Yes, my friend threw a cigarette in our dumpster and its on fire.

Matt Miller

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Who's the best Jaws character?

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Click here to visit Etheridge.

Jim says "you bet I'm proud, and America is proud of me!!!" Click here for Jim's Defining Moment


He's back!!! That's right, Sam Vecchiola was recently seen at an anti-youth rally in Des Moines.

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Sam's Love Pole
What will Sam Vecchiola do on Valentine's Day?

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