<BGSOUND SRC="http://members.aol.com/israelmidi/alkolele.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Havei Az KaNAMER kal Kanesher Ratz KaTzvi V'Gibor K'ARI!
Ashira L'Hashem Ki GAMAL Alai!
N-Joy the tour....
Hope you're comffy....
Go on and exercise those fingers.....

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Come in peace, surf in peace, browse in peace and leave in peace!
Teffilat Haderech La'Internet (Netsurfer's prayer)
May it be Your will to connect us in peace and let us surf in peace and arrive at our desired site in peace. And connect us in peace and cheaply, and save us from any destruction and downfall that could occur along the way, and from all trashy sites, obscenity, idolatry that could befall us in the virutal world. And send a blessing upon the works of our mice, and send us with grace, kindness and compassion in the face of every screen, and listen to the voice of our wallet, because You heed our prayer and petition, and protect us from wasting time.
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Thanx to chana^ for the Tefilah L'Internet