Welcome to Bare-foot Diver's Dive Site

Hi I'm barefoot-diver.
I signed up on 04/06/98 and last update was on 01/22/2004.

My interests are:
Scuba Diving and snorkeling. I also love to fish, swim and just be in or beside the water. I live on the edge of a beautiful clear lake here in the Ozark Mountains. But the ocean beachs are one of my favorite spots to be. Be sure and check mid September 1999 for a whole new set of pictures to be added from our Hawaii vacation.

Doesn't this guy look thrilled to see you?

A brief history of Scuba which starts with the word SCUBA, the letters stand for Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus. Although difficult to pinpoint exactly when man became so interested in the underwater world that he ventured under water despite the ability to even float on the water for an appreciable amount of time.
We will look further into the history of diving on the next page of this site, so come along and take a trip without getting wet and no need of a dive certificate. Oh by the way I hold an "Advanced Open Water Dive Certificate" issued by NASDS.

Take a tour of my site with photos taken under water on some of our diving trips.

The description of my page is:
Under water photos of diving vacations.

If you would like to take a look at my 1998 vacation pictures then click here!

For pictures and a description of our Hawaiian Vacation of 1999 click here!

Awards Already!

Featured CyberDiver Award

Thank you for your visit. Please come back soon and visit me.

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