<TABLE ALIGN="CENTER" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=600> <TR VALIGN="top" ALIGN="center"> <TD WIDTH=600 HEIGHT=40 ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top"><IMG HEIGHT=40 WIDTH=600 SRC="banner.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="My travels through Asia"></TD> </TR> <TR VALIGN="top" ALIGN="center"> <TD WIDTH=600 HEIGHT=25 ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top"><IMG HEIGHT=25 WIDTH=600 SRC="tabs_home.gif" BORDER=0 USEMAP="#map7"></TD> </TR> <TR VALIGN="top" ALIGN="center"> <TD WIDTH=600 HEIGHT=35 ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top"><IMG HEIGHT=35 WIDTH=600 SRC="header_home.gif" name="home" BORDER=0></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <map name="map7"> <area shape="rect" coords="8,3,91,23" onMouseOver="hiLite('home','blank');window.status='Introduction'; return true" onMouseOut="hiLite('home','blank');window.status= ' ' ; return true"> <area shape="rect" coords="97,0,146,24" href="burmanf.htm" onMouseOver="hiLite('home','burma');window.status= ' Burma' ; return true" onMouseOut="hiLite('home','blank');window.status= ' ' ; return true"> <area shape="rect" coords="147,0,184,23" href="laosnf.htm" onMouseOver="hiLite('home','laos');window.status= ' Laos' ; return true" onMouseOut="hiLite('home','blank');window.status= ' ' ; return true"> <area shape="rect" coords="184,0,258,23" href="cambodianf.htm" onMouseOver="hiLite('home','cambodia');window.status= 'Cambodia' ; return true" onMouseOut="hiLite('home','blank');window.status= ' ' ; return true"> <area shape="rect" coords="258,2,318,24" href="thailandnf.htm" onMouseOver="hiLite('home','thailand');window.status= ' Thailand' ; return true" onMouseOut="hiLite('home','blank');window.status= ' ' ; return true"> <area shape="rect" coords="318,0,379,24" href="malaysianf.htm" onMouseOver="hiLite('home','malaysia');window.status= 'Malaysia' ; return true" onMouseOut="hiLite('home','blank');window.status= ' ' ; return true"> <area shape="rect" coords="379,0,448,24" href="singaporenf.htm" onMouseOver="hiLite('home','singapore');window.status= ' Singapore' ; return true" onMouseOut="hiLite('home','blank');window.status= ' ' ; return true"> <area shape="rect" coords="449,1,489,25" href="javanf.htm" onMouseOver="hiLite('home','java');window.status= ' Java' ; return true" onMouseOut="hiLite('home','blank');window.status= ' ' ; return true"> <area shape="rect" coords="490,0,521,23" href="balinf.htm" onMouseOver="hiLite('home','bali');window.status= ' Bali' ; return true" onMouseOut="hiLite('home','blank');window.status= ' ' ; return true"> <area shape="rect" coords="521,0,559,24" href="linksnf.htm" onMouseOver="hiLite('home','links');window.status= ' Links' ; return true" onMouseOut="hiLite('home','blank');window.status= ' ' ; return true"> <area shape="rect" coords="560,0,597,24" href="indexnf.html" target="Top_Frame" onMouseOver="hiLite('home','next');window.status= 'What is Coming Soon?' ; return true" onMouseOut="hiLite('home','blank');window.status= ' ' ; return true"> <area shape="default" nohref> </map> <br> <body Background="backg.gif"> <basefont size="2"> <TABLE Cellpadding="10" Align="CENTER" BORDER COLS=2> <TD valign=top Width=300> <center> <H2>South East Asia</H2></center> <p>A collection of countries that are found South East of the Himalayas<br> <img src="Sea.gif" alt="Map of South East Asia" width=300 height=250 usemap="#Sea" border="0"></p> <p>A collection of countries with diverse cultures, religions, foods and relics.</p> <p>Some wonderful beaches, amazing ruins and wonderful scenery.</p> </TD> <TD vAlign="top"> <center> <H2>My Experience</H2></center> <p>I have always had the philosophy that you visit your own country first. By the middle of 1996, I had driven around Australia and visited each state and territory.<br> This is not to say I have seen everything in Australia, rather my holidays no longer fitted with the seasons to see different areas.</p> <p>Looking through travel brochures, I decided South East Asia was going to be my next destination for visiting. This was due to cost and also the relationship it has with Australia</p> <p>In December 1996, I headed off on my first overseas trip alone. First stop was <a href="balif.htm" target="_top">Bali</a> followed by <a href="javaf.htm" target="_top">Java</a>, <a href="singaporef.htm" target="_top">Singapore</a>, <a href="malaysiaf.htm" target="_top">Malaysia</a>, <a href="thailandf.htm" target="_top">Thailand</a> and <a href="cambodiaf.htm" target="_top">Cambodia</a>.<BR> This was a six week journey which allowed me to have an overview of the countries but by no means making me an expert. All it did was start a thirst for further travel to the area.</P> <p>In December 1997, I headed over again for another five weeks. This time a more leisurely time visiting <a href="laosf.htm" target="_top">Laos</a> and <a href="burmaf.htm" target="_top">Burma</a>.</p> <p>In July 1998, I headed off to Sulawesi, while I am hoping to head to Borneo in December 1998.</p> <p>I made a decision in 1996 to travel with a tour company as it was my first trip overseas, even though my travel in Australia had been independent.<BR> When deciding on the company, I decided I did not want to travel in a group and wanted some independence. Talking to my travel agent I decided on <A HREF="http://www.intrepidtravel.com.au" target="_top">Intrepid</A>, an Australian company. I have found they fitted my description and have used then since.</p> <p>However, when time constraints are not in place it is more interesting to travel independently, as you meet a lot more locals as I found in Laos.</p> </td> </TABLE><br> <P>We have detected that you are using a browser which does not support frames or does not have javascript</P> <p>You may continue to a javascript version of this site by enabling javascript and clicking <a href="index.html" target="_top">here</a>.</p> <P>Or if you are using Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows NT, or Macintosh, you can download <A HREF="http://www.netscape.com/download/">Netscape Navigator</A> or <A HREF="http://www.microsoft.com/ie/download">Microsoft Internet Explorer</A>. 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