Eyes to the Soul

Merry meet!

In perfect love...

This site offers information on Wicca.
There is nothing dark and dangerous here.
But if you are uncomfortable with this subject,
please feel free to leave in peace.

You will find that many of my pages have black backgrounds.
There are two reasons for this. First, that's how the background
set was made. :-) Second, black is an energy color, and it repels
negativity. You can learn more about colors and many other
things about Wicca by stepping through the gates at the
bottom of the page.

I update at least one of my pages every day. If you
come to a page that "doesn't exist", chances are I'm
working on that page, so try again in a few minutes.
The two newest updated pages will be at the top of
the list (look for the blinking astericks). You may
want to reload the main page if you visit here often.
I'm going to start putting the pages that I moved from
the "new" section into the next row, just in case you
missed an update, then you'll know what you missed.

Many of my pages have fonts that you might want to
download, so that you can see them as I intended them
to be seen. Each page has a link to download the font
for that page (at the top), but if you would like, you
may go to the font page to download them before
entering the site. Hit your back button when you are
done. As for this page, you need the Stonehenge font.

This site is best viewed with Netscape. Netscape
Why not download it now. Also, it's best to
have your browser Java script enabled.

My love and gratitude to CoyoteSkys for her help
in the search for backgrounds and ideas on music for my
pages and for her input as I finished each page. And to
HummingBird, my love and thanks for finding the sites that
helped with the java and for keeping me company in ICQ
while I did my work.

One last thing, then I think I'm done rambling. Any links on my
pages to other sites will open up in a new browser window.
Oh yeah. And beware of my strange humor. hehehe

"Eyes to the Soul" by: Rainy Nights Graphics

You'll need this to download the fonts WinZip Now

Now let the magick begin!
This way in!

Salem Witch trials chronologyNat'l Geographic's Salem interactiveWitch hunt

Salem Witch MuseumLibrary of Witchcraft

Practical Magic


Morrigan K

Pagan best of the web


AvatarSearch - Search Engine of the Occult Internet!

BoingDragon's Lair

Pagan graphics by Rowan

The Geocities buttons on my pages are from
Pastel Productions

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