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Mauritania / Gambia

Senegal - Dakar
Senegal - Niokolo Koba

Senegal - Islands
Ivory Coast


Friday, May 24, 2000 | Sunny and Hot!

Dogon Country and Djenne, Mali

Our most recent adventure was the Dogon Country and Djenne in eastern Mali.   Apparently pygmies lived in the Dogon Country at one point, in tiny little homes built into the rocky walls of the escarpment.  Now, the Dogon people live a little bit below those wall caves and earn a living through tourism, growing onions, and millet.

Djenne is has one of the most beautiful mosques West Africa and is based on a centuries-old design.
Lazy afternoons in Dakar, Senegal remind me of an old song by the Police,"Tea in the Sahara". Known here as ataya, this hot, sweet, frothy brew refreshes and invigorates.

Enjoy our photos which will take you to foreign lands; the Sahara Desert in Mauritania, a refugee camp in Ghana, a remote town on the Liberia/Ivory Coast border, Niokolo Koba Game Park in eastern Senegal, the famous Goree Slave House, and other West African locations.

Our personal stories recount sights, sounds, smells as a... newcomer, tourist, teacher, tour guide, toubab, tennis player, study abroad student, scholarship recipient, resident, government worker, consultant, volunteer, and newlywed.

Cote d'Ivoire
Danane, in the Man region, has one of Cote d'Ivoire largest refugee camps. Sierra Leonean and Liberian refugees are in the majority.

Greypix Ghana photos!
Katy's November 1998 trip to Accra, Ghana and nearby Buduburam Refugee Camp.
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