Welcome to the Hawai`i Club of St. Louis website!

The Hawai`i Club of St. Louis is an informal organization consisting of people who are Hawaiian, from Hawai`i, or simply "Hawaiian-at-heart"... and live around the St. Louis area.

The purpose of our club is to promote the diverse social and cultural characteristics related to Hawaii, ohana, and aloha. This is accomplished through the sharing, teaching, and performing of authentic Hawaiian meles, hulas, and, of course... food. If you would like to learn/participate... e-mail us.

The purpose of this website is to be a centralized site for information about Hawaiian-related events (lu`aus, get-togethers, cultural events, etc...) in the St. Louis area. If you have any Hawaiian-related information that you would like us to post on this website... no shame... e-mail us.

Feel free to view our pictures of past performances and if you have any questions, please contact us at: hawaiiclubofstlouis@yahoo.com

Pictures Upcoming Events Hawaiian Music Links Member Listing Hawai`i Club of St. Louis Music Book Contact Us

Number of visitors since June 19, 2001: still working on it

Last update: June 27, 2001

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