Home of the "Banana Index"
Nowhere is a
o Indonesia and South East Asia 2008- 2009
Indonesia: Bali and Nusa Tengarra
Indonesia: Ambon and Banda Islands
Indonesia: Comments on Snorkeling
o Europe 2008
Pyr�n�es / Pireneos: Trekking in France and Spain
o Australia 2007- 2008
Kayaking, bushwalking and beaches
Our choice of special places, hikes and some kayaking thoughts
o Fiji 2007
Kayaking, diving and more islands
o Australia 2006-2007
Travels in a ute: red dirt, rainforest and beaches
Photo Journal Photos from a year in Oz
More photos Light Hearted review of a year in Oz
o South-East Asia 2005-2006
Cycling in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam & Cambodia with a splash of Malaysian and Thai beaches
o Kayak Touring: British Colombia 2005
Kayaking Bowron Lakes and Haida Gwaii
o Jasper NationalPark (2004: North Boundary Trail)
o Calgary(2003-5)
Staying in one place for more than a month
o Pacific Crest Trail (2003)
o Thailand, Laos and Malaysia (2002-2003)
Thai/Lao/Malaysian Travels (travelogue)
Guide to Less Travelled Thai Islands
Guide to Hiking in Taman Negara, Malaysia
o Southern Africa 4X4 Trip (2002) South Africa, Botswana, Namibia & Zimbabwe
Kaokoland (NW Namibia) hiking and 4X4 guide
o France (2001: 4 Month Bicyle trip including Luxembourg & Netherlands)
o Mexico (2000-2001)
Winter on a Mexican Beach (& mini-guide)
o Canadian Rockies (2000: Jasper National Park)
o USA & Canada (2000: Los Angeles to Calgary)
USA & Canada Cycling Comments (mini-guide)
o New Zealand (1999-2000)
o Madagascar (1999)
Madagascar Cycling Guide (including general travel tips)
o Southern Africa (1999)
Namibia travelogue (and Botswana)
Zimbabwe and the Kruger Park travelogue (South Africa)
o Morocco (1998-1999)
o Europe
Europe by bike travelogue (1998: London to Budapest)
Europe by bike II travelogue (1998: Budapest to Gibraltar)
Italy by bike travleogue (1999)
o Latin America
Central America travelogue (1996-1997)
South America travelogue (1997)
o Classic Adventures: Travelogues
Japan (1986: on 8 USD a day)
Kalinga People (1986:a very interesting part of the Philippines)
Tibet: 1986 (Part I) (Part II)
Irian Jaya: 1986 (Part I) (Part II)
Alan's elephant encounter (1999: Thailand)
o Cycling (General)
Comparison of Cycling in New Zealand and
o SLIDE SHOWS Photos from our 1984-1987 World Tour
o Other
Banana Index Recap over the years
BackPacking Equipment and Food List
If you would like to contact us, sign our guestbook and we will reply or you can e-mail xglenn_ord@yahoo.com (drop the "x" from the e-mail address). We could be on the road, but we'll respond on our next log-on.