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Susan Scott and Mike Saunders left Kemah, Texas, on April 5, 1997,  to cruise the Caribbean in their 31-foot sailboat, Journey.

We returned in June, 1999, ending our cruise back in Kemah .  Cruisers have to be flexible, starting with the fact that we originally were heading to the Bahamas and the Eastern Caribbean.  We never got there.  Instead we spent the 2+years in the Northwest Caribbean, spending the '97 Hurricane Season in Guatemala.  We sailed to Belize, back to Guatemala, to Roatan, Bay Islands, Honduras for the '98 Hurricane Season. Journey survived 50 miles from the eye of Hurricane Mitch at Force 5.  We liked Roatan so much that we built a house and sold Journey.  Someday, we'll have another boat, but for now, the journey is at an end for Journey! To find out about our life and house on Roatan, go to our Web page about Dinnafash here at Geo Cities.

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Updated June 19, 2006

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This page was last updated November 29, 2002


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