Welcome to Emily's World of Smiles!!! |
Hey everyone! My name is Emily, but most ppl call me "Em" or some other nickname like "Smiling Em," "Smiley," "Hoi sum goh," etc. I tend to smile and laugh alot! Any person can make me laugh. =)
I am originally from Houston - a Texas girl! I'm sure now you guys are all thinking that i grew up with horses on a ranch, but you cant be more wrong. If you've never been to Texas, i think u need to take a trip down there. I'll be happy to show u around. Anyways, I live in Orange County right now..came out here hoping to finally live my "California dream life," but unfortunately, life here hasn't been all that great. hardship after hardship... life is really tough! Anyway, I don't know where my next destination is, but change is definitely needed!
Well, please feel free to browse through the rest of my website:
"The most utterly lost of all days is that in which one has not once laughed."
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Last updated: August 5, 2008
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