Simply Melhor BraSil BraZil

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BraSil BraZil is a site with all kind of information of Brazil, History, Turism, Culture etc. dedicated to the Brazilian people.

The History of Brazil
The Portuguese discovery by Cabral
The Dutch
General Information
Salvador, Recife & Olinda under the 17th century Dutch occupation
Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen  alias: Mauricio de Nassau, de Braziliaan
Reeps 1692 attempt to start a colony in the North of Brazil
The Portuguese
The Brazilians ;o)
Maps of Brazil and its cities
The Atlas of Blaeu
Maps through the ages 1600-1900
Carioquinha (Saudades do Rio)
Rio de Janeiro Maps (Antique)
Rio de Janeiro Maps (Modern)
Rio de Janeiro Postcards 1900-1930
Rio de Janeiro Postcards 1930-1960

Brazilian Nature

The Brazilian Nature, Natural Parks / Reservations
Photos Brazil 1998 RJ, Fortaleza, Natal, Recife & Olinda page1 page2, Salvador
Photos Brazil 1994 & 1996

Personal Info

Curriculum Vitae 'Hans Blankenburgh'
Photos friends 1997 European Tour
Photos friends 1998 July-August








                                    Salvador (BA) Farol de Barra
Geocities Brazil Ring This Brazilian people at GeoCities
site owned by
Hans Blankenburgh.
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Copyright 1996-1999 Photos and Text: Hans Blankenburgh
Last revised: Janeiro 20, 1999.