Last modified on Feb. 24, 2002

The Neighbor Islands Baptist Associations of Hawaii

73-4338 Kapuahi Street

Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740

(808) 325-7288

torch gingerBob Duffer, Director of Missions

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Iao Valley





Rainbow Falls


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What Every Person Should Know

Christian Links (Updated 9/6/01)

If you wish to receive my Eprayer letter or if you hae a prayer request, email me.

Bob Duffer

Lilly, Our Parrot

Bob Duffer is the Director of Missions for the Neighbor Islands Baptist Associations of Hawaii. NIBA is made up of two associatons, four islands and thirty congregations.

He is a graduate of Paragould High School, Ouachita Baptist University (BA, '61) and Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary (BD, '64, DMin., '94).

He is married to the former June Zimmerman of Garland, TX. They have three grown sons, Russell, Robert, and Jack and seven grandchildren.

He has served in Hawaii since 1967. He was pastor of the Kahaluu Baptist Chapel on Oahu and the Kihei Baptist Chapel on Maui.

He has been the Director of Missions since 1984.

He pastored Johnson's Chapel in Dumas, Arkansas, and Tulip Baptist Mission of Fordyce, Arkansas. In California he pastored the First Baptist Church of Truckee. You may contact him by phone (808) 325-7288, e-mail at or mail at 73-4338 Kapuahi St., Kailua-Kona, HI 96740.

My Joke of the Day

Poor Canary!

A woman noticed how messy her canary's cage was and decided to vacumum it. She accidently sucked the bird into the bag. She quickly unzipped it and saw the bird was still alive but very dirty. She quickly thrust him under some cold water to get the dirt off. Before he was clean the bird was shaking from the cold. To keep him from catching a cold, she grabbed her hair drier and turned the heat up to get him warm and dry.

The poor canary has not sung since then.


My Joke of Yesterday (or Whatever)

Postage Rate increase

"The rate increase made me so mad, I sent the Postmaster General an E-mail to complain about it! Now they want to do away with Saturday delivery. I guess I'll fax my complaint this time."


A duck waddled into a bar and asked for a glass of water. "We don't serve ducks here," the bartender said. "Get out!"

A few minutes later, the duck returned and asked for a glass of water. This made the bartender really mad. "If you come in here again, I'm going to nail your web feet to the ceiling! Get out."

The duck was gone for only a few minutes and returned. "I'll have a glass of nails," he said. The bartender looked at him, very puzzled. "What's the matter with you. This is a bar not a hardware store. I don't have any nails here."

"Good," the duck replied, "then I'll have a glass of water."


Woman at typewriter to husband. "I'm writing my first best-seller. It is a steamy, biographical, tattletale, diet, cat cookbook."


Two guys looking at a sign in a car window stating, "For Sale 913-334-2000"

"Are you interested?" the first asked.

"Of course not. What would I do with a new phone number?"


An elderly lady complained to the pastor about the new sound system, "If I had wanted to hear you, I would have moved up front."


Husband to wife as they go visit a neighbor, "First it was their slides, then their home movies, then their home videos, and now their home computer!"


Pastor to member of church, "I'm sorry you're moving. You've been such good sermon material."


Police officer giving a ticket. "You asked me 'Why?' You ran a traffic light, then you made an illegal U-turn and now you're parked on my foot!"

Two men got into a theological argument. One finally said, "You don't even know your Bible." "I know it better than you do!" was the reply. "You can't even say the Lord's Prayer." "I bet you $5 that I can." "It's a bet. Let's hear it." "Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord, my soul to take. There I did it." He said. "Here's your $5. I didn't think you could."


A woman and a little boy were walking on the beach when they found a gull dead in the sand.

"What happened to him?" asked the little boy.

"He died and wnt to heaven," the mother replied.

"Well," the little boy said after a minute's thought, "I guess he must have been pretty mean. The Lord didn't like him and threw him back."


"The proper way for a man to pray," says Deacon Lionell Keys,
"and the only proper attitude is down upon his knees."

"No, I should say the way to pray," says Dr. Rev. Wise,
"is standing straight and erect, and with up-turned eyes."

"Oh no, no, no," says Elder Slow, "such posture is too proud:
a man should pray with eves fast-closed and head contritely bowed."

"It seems to me that his hands should be austerily folded in front
with both thumbs pointing down to the ground," says the Rev. Dr. Blunt.

"Last year I fell in Hitcken's well, head first," sayd Cyrus Brownne,
"with both maw heels a-sticking up and my head a-pointing down;

and I made a prayer right then and there, the best prayer ever said,
The prayerest prayer I ever prayed, was a-standing on maw-head."


A man was shipwrecked on a deserted island for 10 years. Finally a ship passed by and sent a crew in to rescue him.

"Are you the only one here?" the Captian asked.

"Yes." he replied.

As they were taking him back to the ship, the Captian said, "I thought you said you were the only one here."

"That's right."

"Then why are there three huts?" the Captian asked.

"The middle one was the one I lived in," the survivor said. "The one on the left was my church where I worshipped and prayed."

"Then what is the one on the right?"

"It's my old church."
