Picture taken at Yosemite National Park, California, November 2002.

Welcome! I have created this web page primarily for the purpose of documenting my travels for my friends and family. However, I've also thrown in a lot of information about other things I'm interested in. I don't have a ton of spare time to put into maintaing this site, so it may be a little rough around the edges.

There aren't many back buttons yet so you'll have to rely on your browser's back button.

Site Index:

Wedding Info Contains info about Karen and Ted's wedding on April 24, 2004.
About Me Contains information about who I am, what I do, etc...
My Travels I spend most of my life saving up money to go overseas. See photos of the places I've been and read about my travels. If you want info on our big round-the-world trip, you need to visit www.mytripjournal.com/globalyawp, email me for the password.
Places I've Lived Every town has its own charm. Read about things to do in Maryland, Central Pennsylvania, Vermont, and the Inland Empire of California.
Funny Pictures of Karen Laugh at Karen as she gets crazier through the years. It doesn't help to have a fiance that's a little crazy too! (at least we're well matched!)
Politics I am now and always will be a left-wing activist at heart. Check out some worthy causes here.
Music I'm a big fan of indie rock/pop and punk music. Here I discuss my favorite bands.
Art Links to my favorite artists and galleries.
Pop Culture Books, movies and TV shows that I like.
Family and Friends Links to the people I care about (well, those who have web pages...).
Other Links Fun places to waste time on the web and links to other interests of mine.


Updated 12/6/03

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Send email to: kljennings.geo@yahoo.com