The Nabatean Castle Hotel

Jordan - Petra

A five star luxurious hotel situated near ancient Nabatean city Petra,the Red Rose City.


click to see main facilities :

Hotel view

Madafa, Bar area

Outdoor cafe

Indoor pool


Interior hall

Reception area

Aaron's shrine

Petra entrance

Main page

Tel: 962 3 2157201 Fax: 962 3 2157209
P.O.Box: 184 Wadi Musa 71811 Jordan
Head Office Amman:
Tel: 962 6 610722 Fax : 962 6 610724
P.O.Box:2128 Amman 11181 Jordan
here to send us an e-mail
here to send us a fax

Created by Ammar Naber, architect engineer

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