Porter's Old WebHome!

Hey Welcome to Porter's old WebHome, most of this website has been up now for at least 4 years, some has been up even longer, if you can believe that.

Well the last update of this page came back in 1998….more than 3 years ago and many things have changed…..I have lost contact with some of my friends, I added more travel adventures, and most importantly, I got married.

Well I have just let this page go to pot and was going to delete it, but then I decided to give it a reprieve. I will not delete this, just no big update other than this one right now.

Porter out!

Here are the pages still visible:

My Friends

My Travel Stories

My Favorite Links

Trust me about the sunscreen

Che Guevara

Real TEFL Blacklist

Expat Teacher

Sgt Killjoy and His Band of Comrades

Another TEFL Blacklist

Sign my guestbook

View my guestbook

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