Renting Cars With Hand Controls For Disabled Drivers.

Following some time-consuming adventures, I would like to share with the readers the experience of independent travel with disability abroad. Main points:

Related links (random order):

General Car-Rental and Travel Advices.

Following tips, which are not specific to disabled drivers, are important for ones who rent cars for the first time or travel to a new destination.


Insurance is a very tricky subject. In some cases the basic rental rate seems to be very reasonable, but when you come to pick up the keys, they offer an insurance cover you can't refuse, otherwise you may be liable to pay huge sums to a third party in case of accident. If you take this cover, it may double the total fee. In a certain case I found that if the car is rented most of the time, the insurance alone may cover the price of a new car after 2 years or less.


Rates change from country to country even in the same class and car-rental company. In Europe some borders are open, so it may turn out cheaper to rent a car in a central European country and drive it to the desired destination. A possible exception is a very short business mission. Automatic transmission is considered luxury in Europe.

Car-related crime

Car-related crime is a problem with various levels of risks. Don't leave money and valuable things in the car. A station wagon/van without original luggage cover may also be a problem if you leave suitcases there. In some places you'll get a list of warnings and suggestions with the keys. Road-rage (driver's violence) exists even in some civilized countries. Avoid conflicts with other drivers even when you feel you are right.

Air Condition

Air Condition is considered luxury in most Europe. Driving a black car without air-condition in hot summer days may not be pleasent even in northern Europe. This is especially true for those who wear braces and other equipment.

Mobile phone

Mobile phone may be a good idea as a kind of insurance in case of breakdown, accident or other problems. Price range is huge and should be checked close to travel date. Avoid usage while driving. In some cases cell-phones are cheaper to use than coin (or credit-card) operated public phones or hotel phones! Check also coverage in your destination. There may be no service in rural areas.
It is advisable to prepare in the phone's memory a list of taxi and breakdown service phone numbers. Some taxi companies keep the caller on-line so much time that the call costs more than the taxi ride. Check your exact location (street, building name/number) before calling them.

Please feel free to contact me at: Pictorial address given to reduce spam . Usefull information will be included in future versions.


1. The author has no commercial interest in any of the mentioned companies.
   Their name / links are given only as illustration and service to
   potential customers.

2. Some companies may have discontinued or changed services.
   The author takes no responsibility for consequences of such changes.

3. The author takes no responsibility for any mis-haps occuring while
   using the above-mentioned services.

4. The author will add reference to any relevant services brought to his
   attention in the coming updates to the site.
5. The author cannot test all the services mentioned here personally.


Address: Pictorial address given to reduce spam .

Revised: 6/2004.