Howdy, Pilgrim!!

Raton 2001


The Historical Rendezvous

The rendezvous was a trade fair, with mountain men laying down piles of beaver pelts in exchange for whiskey purchased at 30 cents a gallon in St. Louis, cut with water and priced at $3 a pint. Coffee and sugar, only 10 cents a pound back home fetched $2 a pound; galena (lead) for running balls, along with powder, likewise $2 a pound, despite being only 6 and 7 cents back home. And all the while, the men making no general fuss about it, for they lived a lifestyle of great freedom and excitement. The first rendezvous was held in 1825 when General Ashley gathered his trappers on what is now known as Henry's Fork of the Green River, about 2 miles from the present-day town of Daniel, Wyoming. The rocky mountian rendezvous ended around 1840 when silk hats became more polular than beaver.

The original rendezvous included storytelling, knife and tomahawk throwing, fighting, drinking, trading goods, card playing, vying for the attention of Indian maidens and shooting -- lots of shooting. It's the shooting that holds center stage at today's gatherings, because the modern rendezvous is an interesting and rewarding shooting sport all its own. Unlike so many other firearm activities, it's spectator-friendly, with contestants ringing gongs in the distance, sometimes more than 100 yards away, to play to the ears of both shooter and spectator. We dress in period clothing, doing our best to stay with traditional longrifles and pistols.

To enter a competition we either pay an entry fee or donate a item to the prize blanket. The events are ingenious, creative and different. Many are leftovers from yesteryear. In addition to shooting muzzleloading rifle, pistol & smooth bore (shot gun) we compete in primitive archery, knife and tomahawk throwing and primitive fire starting. The points are added from each event and the competetor with the most points wins the money or gets first pick from the prize blanket

We have been "vooing" since early 2000 and are loveing it. This year "Axe" placed 2nd in the Junior division in Raton & won a new .50 cal rifle. "Stuffy" and the Kids have been winning more matches than I have, but I tell them it's because the Men's Division has stiffer competition.

Rendezvous pictures

Rachel and Axe plaing a friendly game of cards.


What can we tear up next.

Valentine's Day 2004

Sailor and Mary between naps.

My Girls

An awesome week in the mountains.

This is hard work!

Our First Southwestern.

Yep is holding down the fort.

Mack Creek

"Best Looking Camp"

Captian Tom

In Memory of our Dear Friend
Tom Parker


Haley Dacus, Zack Twyford, Rachel Dacus, Cooper Twyford, Grant Dacus

Mark your calendar....

TAB Spring Rendezvous
April 11-13, 2008

Southwestern Regional Rendezvous
March 20th - 28th, 2004
(Clink on picture for full size view.)

My Favorite Links:

Muzzleloader Magazine

Muzzle Blast Magazine

Jim Chambers Flintlocks Ltd.

Track of the Wolf

Wooden Hawk Trading Co.

National Muzzle Loading Rifle Assoc.

Proud member of

Coalition of Historical Trekkers


Ya 'll come back soon..

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