Wilkommen. Bienvenue. Welcome. Come on in. You have reached yet another senseless waste of valuable bandwidth, graciously sponsored by Yahoo! and Geocities. So, why don't you take off your shoes, loosen your belt and prepare to fritter away a significant part of your day as you learn a little bit about me and what makes me tick (besides cheesecake). |
To aid you in this grand quest of discovery, I've divided the site into six categories: More about Me; Travel; Music; Quotes; Favorite Links; and Misc. After browsing the site, I would greatly appreciate it if you would stop by my guestbook, sign your ol' John Hancock... and tell me what I might do to improve my homepage. Not that I'll be so diligent with the maintenance of this site to actually correct anything that comes along, but it'll make me feel better that someone actually stumbled upon the site. So, with no further ado... |
More about me... |
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Misc. (Everything but the kitchen sink...) |
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