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This page is devoted to two of my greatest interests: Photography and Weather.  I am an atmospheric science major at the University of Missouri-Columbia.  When not at school I call Kansas City, Missouri home.  I have been a weather fanatic since childhood--when significant weather is on the way, you can bet that I am out there following it.  Photography is also something I have always enjoyed.  It is wonderful for displaying the wonders of nature, capturing the moment of peak action in a sport, or just keeping those memories with friends and family that we never want to forget.  The following galleries show some of my favorite photos that I have taken:
Weather:  I have always been fascinated by the works of nature and the phenomena that occur in the sky.  So when ever a storm boils up or a snow storm rolls in, you'll usually find me there with my camera.

People As the true wonders of this world, people never cease to amaze me.  Whether showing off what they do best, or just relaxing with a pleasant smile on their faces, people are what makes photography the fun that it is.
TravelI always love seeing different areas of the country and the wonders they offer.  While I also travel with friends, church, and school, most of these pictures are taken from family vacations.

Sunrises/Sunsets:  The brilliant colors of the sun as it hangs over the horizon definitely provide for some stunning photographs.

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Live image of Kansas City (from KCTV)

University of Missouri Atmospheric Science
Columbia, MO Tornado--November 1998
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Storm Chaser Photo Galleries
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since July 14, 1998