As you can see I am working on Re-doing these webpages!!
I JUST TOOK MY 1st TRIP TO DISNEYLAND Well I have done it again! Well with my wedding on it's way and I promised my financee that I would go to Disney World until our honeymoon. So... I had to fill my "disney fill " with.. well what else Disneyland, California. At first I couldn't believe the difference between the two. Space Mountain is very different, you sit next to someone and it is MORE WILD. Indiana Jones ride was awesome. Scary but amazing!! The Pirates as you know from looking around my site is my favorite! They were great! I think I would someday like to grow up to be the "Red-Head" from "WE WANT THE READHEAD".. anyway. That ride was great it was 12 mins. long!! My last day there I went on it over 8 times!!!!! I just couldn't get enough! The ride got better and better every time I went on it! |
Walt Disney World Trips
TRIP 1998 | TRIP 1997 |TRIP 1996
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