Local Time & Date:
Hawaii is the 50th (last) state of the United States, located in central Pacific, about 3,000 miles from the West Coast of the United States. It consists of eight major islands (Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, Kauai, Molokai, Lanai, Niihau, and Kahoolawe), and numerous smaller ones. It is nicknamed "Aloha State". The capital is Honolulu, the largest city, located on the island of Oahu, which is the third largest island.
The Climate:
The climate is subtropical. Theoretically we have four seasons, although the difference among them is barely noticeable. In summer the temperature ranges in the mid to upper 80's F during the day, and about ten degrees cooler at night. In winter it ranges in the mid to upper 70's F during the day and again, ten degrees cooler at night. As you can see, it's mostly pleasant year round. Neither heating nor air-conditioning is needed in most houses.
The People:
Hawaii is a true "melting pot" where everyone is a minority. Most people show the "aloha spirit" by being friendly, kind, helpful, and considerate. To top it all off, the physical beauty of the islanders is unmatched! Paradise sure breeds beautiful people :)
The Food:
Because there are many different nationalities, there are also many different kinds of food, most of which are "ono" or delicious!
My favorite Hawaiian food is kalua pig which is a whole pig roasted in an underground oven called "imu". You can get it in any Hawaiian restaurant and most supermarkets. But if you want the best kalua pig, you have to go to a "luau" or feast which is also accompanied by the imu ceremony and hula shows as part of the Hawaiian culture. There kalua pig is the main course, and you can eat it while it is fresh from the underground oven. Mmmm...yummy...!!
The Natural Beauty:
Hawaii is one of the most beautiful places on earth. There are abundant breath-taking sceneries to enjoy. Exotic and colorful tropical flowers abound. My favorites are the
Red Ginger and Bird of Paradise.
Whether you like sun bathing and swimming at a tropical beach with white sand and blue water, snorkeling or scuba diving accompanied by colorful tropical fish, hiking through lush green rain forests, skiing (yes, snow skiing!!) in the mountains, visiting cultural and historical sites, or driving on the freeways :), you can do it all in Hawaii!
The Lifestyle:
Ah, yes! This is my favorite thing about Hawaii, and I've saved it for last. Partly because of the warm climate and natural beauty, the lifestyle is very casual and laid back. Outside Honolulu the pace of life is slow, and people take time to appreciate and enjoy the kind and beautiful nature that surrounds them, and attempt to be one with it.
I'm a very casual person, and therefore, I loooove the lifestyle here! Suit and tie are out. Most professional and businessmen wear "aloha shirt" which is a dress shirt with Hawaiian/tropical design. The women wear either regular dress or, if they prefer, "muumuu" which is a long dress also with Hawaiian/tropical design, supposedly very comfy.
The most prevalent attire off work consists of T-shirt, shorts, and "rubber slippers" (flip flops). You can dress so casually just about anywhere, whether shopping, dining, or even flying! It is also customary to take off all footware before entering a home. Being so comfortable, sometimes you forget to put them on before going out... so, you just go barefoot everywhere (like to the malls, grocery stores, casual restaurants, etc.). It's fun, and most people don't care! In fact, many locals consider bare feet their favorite form of footware :)
Well, that's my brief introduction of Hawaii. Hope I convinced you that it's paradise and a wonderful place to live (so you can envy me!!...:)) ) or at least to visit. If not, or if you would like more *official* and detailed information, check out these links
Meet these colorful friends in Hawaiian waters!
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