Remember, JAVA downloads take a little longer and require more memory. All the pics are MY creation and have NO virus. Send me a note if you like them!
Beautiful Flowers- Beautiful flowers come to life. Guess who made them? :)..... Anyway, very pretty with thumbnails! So you can kinda see them first, but remember the are JAVA enhanced, and that means they look cool! Check them out and I have a easy way that you can send them to your honey! .... if you don't have honey, send them to me. And all you prehistoric bodies out there, change your screen to at least 800 X 600 resolution, the photos will look best at 1024 X 768 resolution and 16 bit color. I know..... you are saying "What is he talking about!". Trust me.... you don't know what you've been missing! Click Here! and I'll teach you.
* Love Hurts- Some things to remember about love.....Non Java, so easy to read and see.* Romantic Sunset- This is one of the best "sunset" pictures you will ever see! Wait for it to download, its worth it! Send it to your sweetheart... Click Here to see the NON java version.* Kisses in Space - Just go there......... and pucker up! Send this to your honey. If you don't have a honey, send it to me!* Let me Out! - A kinda cool picture of me. This is very unique. Promise you have not seen this before. Wait for it to download, it is worth it! If you computer is old, then it might have trouble viewing as it's advanced technology, but virus free, so don't worry! I'm inside the white ball, looks like the moon.. You have to wait patiently and look carefully. Move your mouse over the picture, it will slow things down, but DON'T CLICK! I promise, I'm in in here!Happy Birthday! - A really cool cyber birthday card to send to someone! Try to find the "hidden" messages. I tried to make it cute :) If you have a birthday coming up, don't look! Because this is the one I'm sending you!
Dance with me! - Feel like dancing in space? I'm pretty good! Helps me stay slim and trim!
* Turtle swimming! - This is a pretty boring picture. Look at it last. Taken many years ago. But it has my favorite song! Well.... one of my favorite songs!![]()
* Hold me! - This is a little cat in space trying to find a place to relax. Someone told me it was a "sad" picture? hehe ..... Tell me what you think. If you are not nice to me, I'll put you there!
* Waterfalls - This picture took me about 100 years to make! Pretty cool cus I made it myself. Would tell you how I did it but it's Top Secret!.
* Dino Lives! - A new creature found on the North Shore of Oahu(Hawaii). Very scary looking...... could be dangerous.. Don't go if you scare easy!
A Beautiful Stream - A nice picture of .... looks like a mini waterfall...... no it looks like a stream that looks like a waterfall? Anyway... you tell me what you think. It was taken by me at one of the hotels. Almost all the pictures were taken by me ..... not bragging. Just in case you were wondering where to send your complaints.
Beautiful Flowers of Hawaii! - This has a lot of beautiful pictures of Hawaiian Flowers. Guess they have to be hawaiian. I took them on Hawaii? This page is not JAVA enhanced, easy to see. About 20 or so pics!
Beautiful Penpals! - Interested is seeing some BEAUTIFUL
ladies? The are from all over the world and ...... love to get mail from "nice" guys! So, guys! Be cool. Just click on their pic and it will take you to their homepage or give you their e-mail address. Girls, if you want to be an "Angel" ..(that's the title on the page), let me know! Asian girls get priority....... cus they "is" so cute! ...... and don't tell me you are not beautiful .....cus you are!
Beautiful Hawaiian! - What a doll ! Maybe the best looking girl on the island. Maybe the world! I've looked everywhere for her, but can't seem to find her. Come out .... come out!..... where ever you are. I don't bite.............. too hard!
Jungle Fun! - It you like a jungle look, this is a pretty cool pic. I used to work at a jungle park, so it's got history in it baby! The toucan was my buddy, but he died.
It's a Beautiful Day! - I took this picture a long time ago near the blow hole. I did a little bit of touching up and it looks pretty cool. One of my favorite places to hide out.
Tiki! - Took this at the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center. Everyone should remember seeing this if you've been to Hawaii. Oh... and Hawaii is in USA.. ar! Tiki has lost a lot of weight since this pic was taken.
Hawaii - This is one of the first homepages I made. It has a lot of funny stuff on it and some nice pics of Hawaii. It also has many pics of me.. so I'm warning you. If you have a weak stomach, don't look!. And if you visit here, you have to move your mouse around and click everything you see, because behind everything there is something else hiding. Kinda like a maze. Yeah..... you gotta work to check me out!
Waterfalls - Another nice waterfalls.
Tropic Beach - A beautiful pic of with a great feel of the exotic.
Sunset - A cool pic of a diver jumping off a rock into the sunset.
Stroll on Beach - A nice walk along the beach.
Sunset - Yeah... another sunset. This one is with palm trees though!.
Mermaid - This one is kinda neat. A guy would make these mermaids on the beach of Waikiki every morning.
Drinks- Guess I was bored... this one is some hawaiian drinks.
Lava at NIght - Ok.... this one is really cool. Lava at night falling into the ocean..
Kalakaua - A simple pic of Kalakaua avenue with the Hyatt Regency in the background.
Hula Dancers - Some beautiful hula dancers.
Hula - A very pretty hula dancer.
Hula Dancer - Another beautiful Hula dancer.
Hula Dancers - Nice Hula dancers.
Sunset - Another sunset? But this one is with a hammock in the background!
Stick fighting - I'm saying its stick dancing, but I really think it is guys dancing with sticks?
Guy Dancing Hula - This one is nice for girls because he has pretty feathers.
Sunset - Ok... you don't have to look at this one.... its another sunset and of Diamond Head. Very popular photo. Maybe you can look.... what if it is the best one?.
Coast - The beautiful shores of Hawaii.
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Courtesy of Charlies Angels Penpal Site