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Hello, I am Dr. D and this is my Website. On this site, you will get a little insight about me and my life. This website like me is always changing, and there is never a dull moment. So visit often and Enjoy.

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Support the NRA...... Before the Poloticians take away one of the few rights we have left. The right to defend ourselves. While it may be true we need laws to protect us. The criminals dont obey the laws, that is the definition of a criminal. The strict laws to take away the guns only take them away from the law abiding, people who obey them. Criminals will always have guns, that is their leverage.  Please at least give me the right to defend myself. If you wish to be at the mercy of the gangs, and criminals, and don't care if you will be a statistic, then fine give up your right by choice.  But what gives you the right to tell me I have to die at their hands. The second ammendment gives us the right to protect ourself.  I love and put a high value on Life, and the right to live and enjoy it.

                                                                                                                                                          Dr. D

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This page was last updated on 05/25/00.