About me...

My name is Abi. I was born in Calcutta and moved to Germany in early childhood. I grew up in Germany, went to school and university. I worked for two years in small company as a programmer, software designer, and as the leader of the development team.
After that, I worked for 3 month in a fantastic lab in Dallas. Back in Germany, I again got involved in a small company, an internet-startup until end of 2001.
Currently I am employed at the research institute for Computer Graphics & Multimedia at the RWTH Aachen.
Yes, I like programming and developing fancy things but...

...my real passion is travelling

I did a few trips and a lot of are still lying ahead...
1990 6 weeks in India covering Rajasthan, Calcutta, Vizak, Devlali Area and Bombay
1992 4 weeks on the Greece islands Creta, Santorini, Paros and Antiparos
1993-1994 8 month world tour covering Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Hongkong, Macao, Australia, New Zealand, Tonga, Western Samoa.
1995-1996 I had not much time because of doing my master. So I made a few short trips to Gomera (Canary Islands), Mallorca, Venice, Verona, Salzburg, Paris, London and other European destinations.
1997 3 weeks in South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho and Maputo/Mozambique.
1998 6 weeks crossing Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. This was one of the most exciting tours.

If you can read German visit Jani's website to read more about this trip.

1998 4 weeks Rajasthan/India and Calcutta.
2000 3 weeks in Venezuela
2000 2 weeks in the United Arabian Emirates
2001 2 weeks in L.A. and San Diego
2001 4 weeks in Venezuela (Caracas, Isla Margerita and Los Roques)
2002 3 weeks in Australia

If I have more time I'll add more details about my travels and the friend accompanying me.

...my real obsession is my wife Ana ;-)