About The Route |
Bejaysis! Would ya look who it is! Its yer man Gav (aka Frilly Doylie). But dont piss him off cause hes got a big dirty hurley stick and he knows how to use it! Anyway, enough shenanigans. Whats the point of all this web business?
Well, this is your chance to follow our intrepid explorer on his 12-month journey throughout Africa and Australiasia and marvel at some wondrous photos (providing he figures out how to work the scanner). Put simply...hold on tight cause Frillys on the road again and he's got "Guinness on his compass!" |
Ive made a rough plan of the route I want to take on my travels. Okay, what I regard as rough, most would regard as worryingly detailed in the extreme, but anyway I hope to set foot (and all me other bits) in the following countries: Morocco, Senegal, the Gambia, Mali, Côte dIvoire, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Australia, New Zealand and Fiji. You see. Not so detailed. Hardly any specific destinations at all!
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My site was last updated on |
16/04/01 |
About The Author |
Ill be brief. Born in 1972 in Dublin, Ireland. Two big sisters, Jane and Gill. Two bigger parents, Mum and Dad. The world seemed eh very big. The 70s I spent my first decade sporting a selection of dodgy haircuts, building sandcastles, crab fishing, star gazing, playing tennis, asking a lot of annoying questions, and running away from little girls. The 80s I spent my second decade wearing an impressive array of dull grey school uniforms, following Arsenal, listening to some seriously bad music, trying to look cool on street corners, playing footie, and running after teenage girls. The 90s Ive spent my third decade growing outwards instead of upwards, discovering the pleasures of Guinness, traveling around Europe, talking shite in diverse continental tongues, doing DJ now and again, and running after and away from young ladies. So here I am 28 years old, still trying to figure out what its all about. But one thing I know. The world doesnt seem quite so big anymore. |
About My Mates |
Theres a load of people Id like to give a big shout out to. Best mates from Sutton and Howth. Old pals from school and college. Friends from my Erasmus days in Lille and my stagiaire days in Brussels. And of course those of you with whom Ive hung out in Turin these past four years. But Id hate to leave someone out, so Ill leave you all in. Wherever you are, dont forget to log on and use the old e-mail now and again. You could win yourself a free holiday in Capetown or Sydney! Okay I lie but I had to give you an incentive! Well, Im off, have fun checking out the links and the pictures. See you soon. Gav. |
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