Sean Caragata's Web Site

That about just says it all.

This site features photos of family, friends, business trips and vacations.  Recent photos added or to be added include Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands (May 2004). If you know I've been someplace and want to see evidence, let me know.

The site will also include news about yours truly, commentary (given that I come from opinionated stock) and reviews of music, films, books, etc.

Much of the site is still (always?) under construction, so bear with me and visit often.


Sean Caragata

My Links:

A Galapagos Diary

A Tour of Old Havana

Tribute to Peter Gzowski

Southeast Asia 2000

Banff National Park '99

Springsteen concert review

Contact me:


Sean Caragata


Sean Caragata