Hi! Hit me

My name is Dhirender Nirwani.

The caricature you see on the right, was made by GV Sreekumar - a good friend, who is presently a professor at IDC, Mumbai. Ever since it has been part of my desktop (it makes for a pleasant change from the usual photograph).

I had originally planned this site as a chronicle of my travels, which I kept promising myself I would embark on one day, but the start date keeps getting pushed further and further … However, as I started on making this website (which was the first time I was attempting something like this) I realized that this was a great way (a) to figure out the basics of information structuring and (b) to build a resource center which could be accessed from anywhere.

Hence, you will find here links to articles or reports, quotes, links, etc. that I have come across and which I found interesting. I hope that anybody who visits this site, would also find some or all of the articles etc. interesting, and hopefully, some of you will get back to me with similar things which I could include here.

There are a number of changes that I want to make to this site, in order to make the navigation easier - once I figure out how to do them :-). Till then, you will have to bear with me.

News: I have recently bought my own domain WebTapestry.org and have been presented with some webspace :-) so this site will soon be shifting there.

Article & Reports Links Books   Places   Movies Trivia

Last updated: June 2, 2002
I try my best to update it every week. This week, new - articles, links and movie reviews.