Last Update: 29 Jan 03
Uh, Hmm? Andi? January 29th, 2003 Snow always fascinates me! and snow is now falling hard outside! I could not see anything than snow. Here are some pictures I took from my veranda this morning.
I still could see sunrise early this morning. Then, it turned out to be like this:
See, so it's very cold right now here! Well, I have to go back finishing my master thesis. Arrggh... January 25th, 2003 It's been such a long time! Long time enough to forget that I have a homepage to update! (^-^)/v Well, after my trip to Okinawa and Hokkaido last summer, I've been very busy with my master thesis. I need to submit a full paper by the end of this month! So little time now... (><); It's now winter in Japan... It's very cold here! Anyway, one of my calligraphy scrolls is now being exhibited at Higashi-Hiroshima Art Museum. The event is titled: "World Arts Hiroshima: Exhibition of Fine-arts Works by Foreigners". The exhibition starts today and will end on February 11. I'm so glad I could join this exhibition. Here it is:
And below is a picture with my friends in calligraphy class, head of the art museum, and my calligraphy teacher (Mrs. Harada, on the right side):