Wealth Creation


Try and read this without interruption. Note down your queries which would be addressed at the end of the reading. This Article may take some time to read. Casual Reading is not recommended.

It will benefit those who understand


Every one of us would like to be wealthy and healthy?  We also would like to have financial freedom and time freedom?  We would like to spend our time and money the way we want?  Now how many of us really give a thought to, how to become wealthy?  The general thinking of becoming wealthy for an average human being is to get a good job that pays you handsome salary with all the perquisites.


Wealth creation is not that simple?  It is an art of synergizing your skills. Wealth is nothing but; having sufficient money and enough time to do what you want, when you want, the way you want.  Most of us think true wealth is having few crores / millions so that we can get what we want.  But the wisest people understand that true wealth is not much about buying more things as it is about having more time to do what you want to do.


Time is our most precious commodity far more precious than any other valuable thing available in this universe - because once it is spent, you can not get it back at what ever price you want to pay.  Once it is gone, it is gone for ever.  Wise men learn from the past and live in to future.


In order to create wealth you should first be able to understand the difference between:





Income Creation:

 For e.g., Salaried Employees can only create income and not wealth.  How much hours they work they earn the same amount of salary per month or per hour.  Their income is directly proportional for the number of hours.


According to Business Week magazine, “It takes the average worker half his lifetime to purchase a home, accumulate some savings and retirement benefits.  It takes about six months of unemployment to lose it all.”  That means if I loose my job now, and I am idle for next six months all that I have earned for the past 20 years is lost. How horrifying is this thought.


Wealth Creation:

The only way to create true wealth is to leverage your time, money and efforts i.e., 10 hours of your work should equal for 100 hours of pay or even more sometimes.  It is evident from the fact that there is less number of rich people in the world as compared to the poor.  Because the rich once take the advantage of leverage by investing their money over time and time over their money.  That is not all, you should be able to leverage your time by investing it in a right way, at right time, in right place. That is the reason the rich gets rich and stay rich so far they stick to this principle.


Time is Money.  The universal fact is that we all have access to the same amount of time i.e., 24 hours a day; 672 hours a month; 8064 hours a year.  The key to wealth creation is not creating more time, instead to take full advantage of the time we have at our disposal.


That is the big difference between Income Creation & Wealth Creation.


Truth is, you will never be able to create true wealth as long as you are depending on your job, it enables you Income Creation based on linear growth as against Wealth Creation which is based on leveraged growth.  Following table clears this concept:


Income Creation

(temporary income)


Wealth Creation

(residual income)

You trade time for rupees

You leverage your time

Money grows linearly

Money grows exponentially

Income stops if your are disabled

Income continues indefinitely

You are not creating true wealth

You are creating true wealth

Time is not your own

 “you are mortgaging your freedom”

Total time freedom

You are just getting by


You are getting ahead

When work stops,

Income stops

Income keeps coming in


It has been proved through an international study that there are basically two factors that govern our life?


TIME & MONEY”.  Based on these two factors human beings are sub-divided into four quadrants.  People who have:

1.       Abundance of Money & No Time for e.g., Business Class

2.       Abundance of Time & No Money for e.g., Unemployed Class

3.       No Money & No Time for e.g., People who are in Jobs

4.       All the Money & All the Time for e.g., Investors, Celebrities; Painters; Writers etc.


Here is an opportunity for those who fall in category “2” and “3” above, to wisely spend their “TIME” and earn “FINANCIAL FREEDOM” as well as “TIME FREEDOM”.


NETWORK MARKETING the 21 Century Self Employment Business Tool:

Like any other professions in the Business of Marketing “Net Work Marketing” also is very popular across the Globe.  The concept of Network Marketing dates back to as old as 1959.  With the rapid progress in the E-Commerce and Internet Technology the business through Network Marketing has gained vide popularity across the Globe – leveraging the cost of distribution and convenience of doing business with less investment.  Network Marketing thus created a large scale of economies reducing the number of conventional “Channels of Distribution in Business” from Manufacturer to Retailer to Consumer.


Some of the popularly known successful Network Marketing Companies are AMWAY; RUDRAKSHA; HERBAL MARKETING AND GOLD QUEST INTERNATIONAL.  “GOLD QUEST INTERNATIONAL” is one of the fastest growing Network Marketing Company in the 21 century which encompasses and overcomes all the hurdles, hindrances, disadvantages associated with other networking marketing businesses.  It is a business opportunity without the hastle of business

i.e., No Selling, No Stocking, No Investment, No Security Deposit, No Licenses & Permits etc.


When one want to select a good company, either for a Job or to do Business, there are basically SIX elements you have to look into and do your due-diligence i.e.,


1.       About the Company & its Stability

2.       Its Products & Services Recognition and endorsements

3.       Honesty & Integrity of the Management

4.       Timing and Trends of its business in the existing market scenario

5.       Backup System and Training for representatives and franchisees

6.       Compensation Plan for  business partners


In the light of the above I will start introducing you to a wonderful, state of art world class 21 Century Network Marketing Company and a Unique Business Opportunity the Company is providing to the dynamic and committed individuals all over world.


While I can not promise you millions, I am 100% sure that, if you like the Business Plan we can together make lakhs if not millions individually, if we work collectively.  The entire business model works on Team Work and Word of Mouth.


With this, I will proceed to talk about the whole business plan……..

01.  All about the Company & its Stability?


About the Company:

QuestNet Limited is the flagship business of QI Limited, a multinational conglomerate with diverse business interests around the globe.  QuestNet was created in 8th September, 1998 to support the fast-growing network and customer base of the whole of QI group.  QuestNet has worked tirelessly to ensure perfection and exclusivity of the products and services.


QuestNet is now a leading global distributor of a variety of offerings including limited edition Numismatics, Jewellery and Timepieces to prestigious vacation club memberships and holiday packages, lifestyle products and advanced technological communications products.


Harnessing the sophisticated medium of e-commerce, QuestNet services more than 1.7 million independent representatives and customers in more than 220 countries.  QuestNet provides an excellent platform for life changing rewards to you and to all who follow as you share the financial rewards with others.


Company’s mission RYTHM = Raise Yourself To Help Mankind”.  The company is built on a strong foundation of ethics and integrity.   QuestNet has been transformed into a truly global network marketing company with a multi product platform.


Mr. Vijay Eswaran, a NRI settled in Malasiya, after serving IBM, has floated this company with a noble mission “RHYTHM”.  His name is taken among the top 200 Indian people along with President Mr. A.P.J. Kalam, Pandit Ravi Shankar, Sabir Bhatia etc by the Penguin Publications book released recently entitled “Top 200 Indians”.  He is the CEO of the company.  His book “In the Sphere of Silence” has gained vide popularity.


The company has 22 subsidiaries viz., GoldQuest International Limited “a Numismatic Company”; Quest Vacation International Limited – Managing tie-ups with approx. 4000 holiday resorts all over world; V-Team – the training arm of the Company; Quest Finance Limited; Quest Technologies Global (Pvt) Ltd.-is a telecommunication company;  Quest Entertainment Limited; Quest Strategies Limited, GITA International (S) Pte Ltd an online training portal etc.


The products and services offered include Quest Airlines; Quest Mobikes; VISA Debit/Credit Cards; I Connect; 7-Star Hotels; Vacation Time Shares; Gold Watches; Quest Talk etc.


QuestNet’s Vision is to become the definitive network marketing company, a company that will create leaders who made a difference.  Its mission is “Reaching People, Touching Lives” by bringing opportunities for financial freedom and personal development to people all over the world.


Company Reach & Stability:

The company was incorporated in British Virgin Islands having Head Quarters in Hong Kong with Offices in Philippines; Brazil; Malaysia; Korea; Taiwan; Thailand; Singapore; Indonesia; India; United Arab Emirates.  It serves 1.7 million customers in 200 countries and crossed 1 billion turnover in a record time of 6 years.  The shares of the company are listed in NASDAC.  Shortly the company will be occupying its place in the Global Fortune 500 companies.


The entire operations of the company are through E-Commerce, leveraging the Internet Technology.  The software was prepared by MICROSOFT, the world’s largest computer software company and maintained by INFOSYS, India’s most famous and well repute computer company.


Mrs. Pushpam Appalanaidu is the Managing Director of QuestNet India Limited.  In India they have Head Quarters Office in Mumbai and Branch Offices in Chennai; Bangalore and Hyderabad.  Shortly, three more Branch Offices will be commissioned in Delhi; Kolkata and Jalandhar.


02.  About the Company Products & Services Recognition and endorsements?


The major business line of the company is from the products viz., Numismatics; Holiday Resorts, Leisure & Travel; Electronic & Telecommunications; Finance and Investment; Life Styles etc.  The most attractive, risk free, no shelf life, no expiry date, most preferred across the world, life time escalating value product of the company - Numismatics “Gold & Silver Coins and Medallions”.


The dictionary meaning of “Numismatics” is The Study and Collection of rare coins.  QuestNet manufacturers these numismatic coins.  QuestNet purchased the world 3rd largest private mint “Mayars Mint” – Germany which has 135 years of heritage history.  Mr. JR Mayer is the Executive Director and is the 5th generation managing this world renowned and famous private Mint.  The Gold and Silver coins are manufactured in this State of Art private Mint with Hitech Machinery and Workmanship.  The coins are 999.9% pure and mint proof.


GoldQuest, Gold & Silver commemorative coins and medallions, released and are available on their e-store viz., Goddess Laxmi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Mahatma, Gandhi, John Paul II The Great Coin Set; Persepolis Commemorative Coin; Mother Theresa; FIFA World Cut Football Germany; Lord Budha; Great Wall of China; Dome of the Rock; Ka’abah Platinum MMC Watch etc.  The company is going to sponsor the 2010 World Cut Football Tournament.


The Endorsing Authorities of the coins manufactured by QuestNet are United Nations (Food and Agricultural Organization); Lady Diana Foundation; Olympics, FIFA; Vatican Foundation; Kabah Trust; Sidhi Vinayak; Tirupati Balaji; Shridi Sai Baba; Shringeri Mahtam; Rajalakshmi Kubera Trust; Mahatma Gandhi Manavta Manch.


Government of India has recognized the company and given permission to do business in India in 2001.  The company has acquired land in Chennai and also a 5 star hotel to have its main line of business line roots in India (Hindustan Times, Mumbai March 19, 2004; The New Indian Express, 14.7.2004.  The Republic of the Philippines Securities & Exchange Commission has given permission to transact business in Philippines.  Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan; United Arab Emirates, Government of Dubai; Reserve Bank of India etc are some of the endorsing authorities and also the authorities who recognized the company and its business.


Besides these Non-Circulating Coins QuestNet also manufacturers Legal Tender Money for various government all over world.


03.  About the Company Honesty & Integrity?


All the Gold & Silver Coins, Medallions manufactured by the QuestNet are going to be rare as the time passes.  This is because of the “Limited Mintage”.  The company mints limited number of coins viz., 4999; 9999; 10000; 9999 etc.  An accord is reached between the respective Government and QuestNet.  Every coin is serially numbered determining the extent of mintage as per the market size.  After the determined mintage is completed, the authorities are notified by the respective mint.  Then they destroy the dyecast in the presence of the authorities to ensure non-repetition.  This is the integrity of the practice of NUMASTICS by QuestNet.


The coins are 24 carat and 999.9% pure, Mint proof, Highest minting standards and procedures are followed.  QuestNet has employs legal experts to determine the authenticity and origin of the coin. The business dealings are directly with the company and everything is through internet and e-commerce.  Once the coins are sold out they become rare as the time passes.


These coins have very high value on the e-business portals viz., The American Numismatic Society; www.ebay.com; Royal Heritage Collections etc and are priced 10 to 20 times to its face value.  The coins and/or medallions purchased and if preserved for a minimum of 5 to 10 years will fetch enormous premium in international market as well as indigenous markets.


04.About the company Timing & Trends of its business in the existing market scenario?


QuestNet is a quintessential 21 century corporation, a customer centered company with time and adaptability to flourish in today’s rapidly changing business environment.  QuestNet rightly adopted the growing Internet technology and advanced web based solutions to offer the best of the services to its valued customers and partners with speed and accuracy.


In just seven years, the group has built a record of innovation and achievements and has grown into leaps and bonds spread its wings in more than 200 countries serving 1.7 million customers.  The growth is moving exponentially and is gaining popularity in the masses day by day.  The company is also leveraging the Baby Boomer regime and is guided in its growth by a determined vision; which is positively acknowledged by its customers and the business partners.


Keeping in mind the current trends, styles and needs of a common man the company is also getting into various innovative products, life styles etc.  Its global reach speaks out clearly the never ending life span and growing business of the company which also paves the way for its customers and partners to flourish along with the company.


05.Backup System and Training for representatives and franchisees?


V-Team is the training arm of QuestNet.  The V-Team comprises of highly experienced leaders who have grown from the scratch along the business line.  They farm the seamless line for the growth of Company as well as its partners.  They share their knowledge, experience with various team members, partners all across the world.


QuestNet regularly holds Business Opportunity Meetings (BOMs) and product training programmes in all the countries in which they operate.  Other company related events and trainings are provided by QuestNet training arms. The V-International and GITA.  The V-Team is the network management team of QuestNet.  The V-team manages QuestNet training and provides network marketing tools and training to QuestNet Independent Representatives through interactions and conferences.


Besides company also provides at a cost various training material; audio and visual CDs, Books, Periodicals, Articles on Success Stories; Experiences etc.  All these are hosted on their web sites and can be accessed at any point of time.


The Independent Representatives all across globe work as a TEAM and extend help to each other irrespective of the team an IR belongs to.  This is the backbone of the company that leads to its never ending success and march towards greater heights to help and realise its vision “Raise Yourself To Help Mankind”; Vision “Defining the Best” and Mission “Reaching People, Touching Lives”.


All that is said is fine and creates confidence in the Company; in the Products; in the Services; in its Honesty and Integrity and in its support system for the members to grow along with the company to ear big money and prosper.


 However, the fact remains after all that, what is that the company offers to the members and the compensation plan.  Let us spend good amount of time on this aspect as this is the ultimate area which motivates and attracts me and you to get ourselves associated with the company and its business plan.  Ultimately to achieve our Dream Goals vis-à-vis Companys’ Vission & Mission.



06.  The Compensation Plan?


The company first of all expects to be its customer.   To become customer company, you have to be necessarily referred by an already existing customer also popularly called/identified as “Independent Representative (IR)”.  Once you get enrolled through an IR paying Rs.460/- as registration fee you get “Qualified”.  You will be given an internationally recognized IR Number / Login ID Number.


Once you get your ID number and password you long on to the site www.quest.net and login with your ID number and password.  From here you do shopping (Once in Lifetime).  If you wish you can buy as many of products as your want, but for moving on to the business, company expects you to buy once.  But you will get the benefit of purchase only once for each ID.  Once you complete the process of shopping you are “Qualified”.


From this stage onwards company recognizes you as a partner in its business.   You are now eligible to expand your business and share the profits that accrue to the company out of your efforts.  Your income / earnings / Business returns : Your Efforts = Your Rewards.  Your ID is termed as a Tracking Center (TC) a “Virtual Office on the Net”.  You can access your Virtual Office any time and monitor your network business.  Everything and anything you need to know is available at a click of mouse.


When you Register and do your shopping you can pay the proceeds either by e-cards bought from company or by your Credit Card on line .  The payments are directly to the Company and not to any middlemen or otherwise.  When company pays you they deduct the Service Tax and TDS and hence all that you ear is white money.  You will be given the TDS certificate with statement for having paid the money in to the Government Treasury.


There is no direct marketing; No multi level marketing; No personal consumption but only by way of “REFERRAL” in the Binary System with an overflow.  Let us understand how this Binary System, the most popularly used system in the Network Marketing works:










In the above, as soon as you and your “Right” and “Left” IRs complete their shopping, your are paid a “Starter Bonus = Rs.2,300/-“.  Once the two IRs of your “Right” IR and two of your “Left” IR does their shopping your paid the balance Rs.9,200/-.  That means, whenever Three referrals on your Left and Three referrals on your Right complete their shopping you will be paid Rs.11,500/-.  When you buy one coin worth Rs.33,000/- and when you complete three steps i.e., 9 shopping on your Right and 9 shopping on your Left you are paid a total sum of Rs.34,500/- where you are getting back your initial investment + a Gold Coin.


Likewise you keep helping your downlines to get in their Referrals on to their “RIGHT” and “LEFT” your network keep growing.  They will also earn the same way you are earning at each step.  Subsequently, as the net work of downlines keep growing & number of shoppings done by the downlines in multiples of 3 + 3 you keep getting paid and they also get paid on the same principle.


Company pays you only when THREE shopping on your RIGHT and THREE shopping on your LECT are done during the week.  If there are 9 shoping on your Right and 7 on your Left, company pays you for 6+6 for that week and the excess / balance 1 shoping on your Right is carried forward to next week or spill over to next week.  Thus there is no lapse of your efforts at any point of time and there is no expiry and time limit.  The excess / Short are carried forward for ever.  This is the first filter / fire wall the company adopts for its survival.


Once you complete FIVE steps like this i.e., 15 on your RIGHT and 15 on your LECT you will be paid Rs.57,500/- and for the SIXTH step company pays you Rs.11,500/- worth E-Voucher.  This can be used for buying more coins/products; training material; travel for attending their training programs abroad and/or local etc  This is the Second Filter/Fire wall company adopts for its survival.


The pay outs are every week.  Once your income per week reaches 6.9 lakhs, any amount over and above this 6.9 lakhs goes back to company pool account for others.  This is the third Maxout, one of the filters / fire wall company adopts for its survival and the survival of the IRs.


Business Step

Left Group

Right Group

Your Income

Step 1




Step 2




Step 3




Step 4




Step 5




Step 6







Rs.57,500/- + Gold


A business for Generations i.e., One product Purchase; you get a life time business; free global business; free for three generations and Nominee over Nominee.  The Gold and Silver Coins and medallions range from Rs.30,000/- to Rs.50,000/-.  A unit value (UV) is attached for each product based on its price and these UVs are placed on to your right and left.  As and when the UVs on your Right and Left equals in multiples of “3” the computer automatically generates the cheques and mailed to your designated address.  You can even enroll minors with a guardian.





Queries and Registration

email at saileshb@yahoo.com

For further details on the company and products visit

http://partner.myqnet.biz or http:// www.quest.net