Argus 700 !

Agent, Traveller and Entrepreneur.

Welcome to my home page.

Mike to all my friends. My wife, Kay, and I live approximately seven miles south of the centre of Manchester, UK.
Although we are both now retired from our former 'wage slave' status; I now find a role as a freelance Agent and Marketing Consultant. Kay's our Domestic Engineering Manager !
I trained as an Electrical Instrument Maker and then, for the next thirty years filled a number of commercial, sales and marketing related roles in the computer and automation systems industry. At some time in the past I've been involved with real-time systems for almost all forms of industrial process. Everything from computers on the QE2 to the safety monitoring systems of our Nuclear Power Stations - hence the pseudonym.

One of my consultancy services to industry relates to application, specification and configuration of SCADA and DCS systems. My interests include a Web Market facility for tools and equipment for the electronics assembly industry, travelling as an 'independent traveller' ie. not packaged, photography, good food and wines.

Please visit my other pages if these are of interest to you.

During my years in harness I travelled widely and made many friends, particularly in Spain. From this developed my affinity with that country and it's people such that now I am prompted to share my experience of the peninsula with you if you care to visit my Spanish page.

Click to visit Mike's Spanish Page to travel with me for business or pleasure through Spain.

My pages are constantly under review and development and I will be delighted to have your feedback or contributions.
Thanks for stopping by.
