You are now visiting OhPEN Land - the place for everybody interested in palling, swapping or writing. For more fun, join one of our yahoogroups; COMSWAP for swapping slams, decos & mixed items, MoreMusic for swapping music mixes & lyrix or OhPEN for writing! This page was last updated 10 September 2004

Welcome to OhPEN-LAND!!!

OhPEN is a local magazine which is located in the very north of Sweden. Click here to go to OhPENs homepage.

OhPEN Land is an extension, mainly of the pen-pal section of OhPEN, however no matter if you are looking for new penpals or want to hang out with the friends you already got, or just have fun you should be able to do that here!Why not try the chat?

Look at "find pals" if you want pen-pals. If you would like to be published in the magazine too, e-mail me.

For those of you who doesn't know all that much about fb's, slams, decos and all these stuff we regular swappers are dealing with Go to explanations

If you have any tip, comments, complaints, advice or other words to say I hope you'll visit my guestbook!



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Have fun! - Play the slots and much more!

Love Room

Music Corner

Visit the Swedish writing group!

The castle of stories

The Poetry garden

The magazine OhPEN - in English!

Beanie Babies

COMSWAP Our own swapping list!

OhPEN writing e-group

Movie paradise -

The Best friends' page!

Tell the world!

Hello Kitty Section!

Children's room -

The Zodiac


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This FB Swappers Ring is owned by --Linda--.
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