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2005 Great Grape Gathering Set

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The vintage models flown by SAM members are those designed, published or available as kits during the golden era of model aviation, the decade of the thirties to the beginning of WWII. A period following Lindberg's solo flight to Paris that ignited the aviation flame in so many of the World's youth. It was a period when practical model airplanes were developed and made available so anyone could build and fly one and hundreds of thousands did.

SAM calls models from the period prior 1938, "antique", and prior to 1942, "old timer". They are the basis for good-natured competition in categories from free flight gas and rubber, to ignition and glow powered, with radio control, for those whose flying field limits free flight. Recently electric powered classes have been introduced to allow flying of these models quietly from fields where glow and ignition engines are not allowed.

SAM encompasses the youth and modelers who are still young at heart, men and women ages 11 to 90. We have over 2800 members from all fifty states and Canada, plus an estimated additional 2500 members worldwide from England, Italy, Germany, France, Sweden, Australia, Czech Republik, Hungary, South Africa, New Zealand, Singapore and Japan. Many of these members have formed local SAM Chapters to sponsor competitions, flying for fun and probably a good deal of friendly discussion.

Avid modelers, Lee Freeman, John Pond, and Martin Schindler sparked SAM into being in 1962 in order to revive the early days of model aviation and to set up guidelines for Old Timer competition. These guidelines are now the basis for the SAM competition rules that govern the majority of Old Timer contests. When you join SAM , a copy of the rules will be sent to you with your membership card.

Members receive "SAM Speaks", our 'voice'. This newsletter is published bi-monthly. It features coming attractions, results of contests, construction and flying tips, sources for vintage model supplies, and general information of interest to the old time modeler. SAM also sponsors an Internet news group; SAM Talks , where many of the members share information about old timer airplanes, motors and flying techniques.

Each fall SAM sponsors the Championships. “The Champs” are a week of competition, tall-tale telling, banquets, bean feeds, spouses activities and camaraderie. At the Champs, SAM holds its one annual membership meeting where all the business is completed early to allow for more good times. Fun is the by-word of the SAM Champs! The SAM Champs is rotated yearly among four regional sites; -- East, Midwest, Rocky Mountain and West. Modelers from all over the world converge at the specified site for a fun- filled week of flying competition,

Wouldn't you like to jump on the bandwagon and join a great group of people? We'd like to have you aboard! Your affordable membership fee entities you to a subscription to "SAM Speaks", a red, white and blue SAM decal, a copy of the SAM Rules, a listing of approved Old Timer Gas Model and Rubber designs, a membership card, and some of the greatest aeromodeling fun you'll ever have. We will even help you to build and fly your airplane.


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