christina benson
.hi let me tell you a little somthing about me im a mother of 4 i like to do lots of out door activity also at times i just like to set at home and injoy my time with my kids i like to read and listen to the radio i dont like to stay in one place at a long period of time i like to keep active i also like out door sports also in door sports i injoy life and my favoriot color is pink
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.my hobbies &interests are fishing  camping being with my family ilove to go horse back riding  in the summer i like to swim i like to draw i like to injoy  life a much as posible having fun in life and injoying my children and my husband and my friends makes my life complete
on family I have four children My oldest is a boy hes 20 years old and hes in the usmc in iraq fighting the war./ i have three daughtors my oldest is 19 she lives in washention and my other daughtor is 17 and my baby is 15 they keep me busy. and I have three brothers and one sister and im the baby in the family
i dont have very many friends but my best friend is irene and her husband chet they have been there for me for 6 years also my other friends are beverly and chuck they are my ex boyfriend parents even though we dont see eachother any more i stayed friend with his parents the've been there for me also i aslo like his sister kim and his daughtor crystal.

son larry
brothers tim
sister bev