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About Me
About Frontier

"I believe that Frontier offers unique resources for many worthwhile projects that might otherwise be neglected for lack of funds or skilled assistance."

Jonathon Kingdon, evolutionary biologist



Like many sixth form students, I am planning to take a year out before going to University.  For my project I have decided to join the organisation Frontier, part of the Society for Environmental Exploration, for six months on two expeditions.  In January 2002 I will be departing for Madagascar where I will spend 3 months as a Research Assistant collecting information on the Coral Reefs which will aid conservation in the area.  When the three months are up, I will travel to Tanzania where I will take part in a similar 3 month project, this time studying a savanna ecosystem.

This is an amazing opportunity for me and will provide me with a sound basis for University where I am planning to study Marine Zoology.

This website contains information about Frontier, the expeditions I am joining and myself.  I need to raise around £5000 to pay the costs of the expedition and for equipment, flights, insurance, visa and other essentials before I am able to go.  I will use this chance to appeal to your generosity.  If you have any ideas for fundraising that may help me, or are in a position to sponsor me as a business or would like to make a donation, I would be extremely grateful.  This is a huge task I have ahead of me and any support you are able to give would help me immensely. 

You can contact me at debbiewinton@yahoo.co.uk if you have any questions, comments about this website, would like to know more about my expedition or Frontier or if you can offer your support.

If you would like to know more about Frontier, you could also visit their website.

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Please send mail to debbiewinton@yahoo.co.uk with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: June 23, 2002