Unique Cultural Homestay Opportunity

With the Lau People of the Solomon Islands

For a unique cultural experience, how about visiting the artificial islands of North Malaita. The Lau people have ben building their own islands out of coral rock for hundreds of years. A young man named Mark Allardice, who lives on an island he is helping to build, welcomes paying guests, who live with his family the way they have lived for centuries. You can get there by travelling on Ramos I from Honiara to Sulufou. When you get there, ask for Mark Allardice. For more information, contact me at hellennewt@yahoo.com, and WATCH THIS SPACE.

Hi I'm Helen.
If you would like to visit the artificial islands of Malaita in the Solomons, please e-mail me on hellennewt@yahoo.com for more information.

I will be taking another escorted group some time in 2001. Watch this space for more information.
Photos of previous trips coming soon.

You are visitor number since 9/12/99
The description of my page is:
Artificial Islands
Lau Lagoon, Malaita
Solomon Islands


Please e-mail me on hellennewt@yahoo.com if you would like more information on visiting artificial islands in the Solomons.

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